<p>Boom. <a href="http://www.sbnation.com/users/southern%20oregon" target="_blank">Southern Oregon</a>, <a href="http://sbnation.com/users/magnum" target="_blank">Magnum</a>, and yours truly, along with fashionably late arrivee <a href="http://sbnation.com/users/philthyanimal" target="_blank">Philthyanimal</a> hit threes--Rudy style--as we go around the Edge, talking about last night's game, the season thus far, other team's attendance (or lackthereof) we've seen, and a bold prediction from Magnum (oh yes, Bill Simmons ins't the only one unafraid and unashamed of trolling for click counts).</p> Let Southern Oregon soothe you. Let Magnum persuade you with his smooth, suave stats. Let Phil...uhh...well he's our token Asian. 'Nuff said.