More known and unknown Florida songs from your hosts Jeffrey and Kristin!
1. Turn Off Your Radio - The Essentials - MIAMI - 1982
2. Smoking Gun - Pee Shy - TAMPA - 1996
3. These Ghosts - Go Ghosts - ORLANDO - 2009
4. I See A Bridge - The Jackson Trio - PANAMA CITY - 1950s
5. The Road May Be Dirty - Rhinestone Corrina - JACKSONVILLE - 2005
6. Dumb - Doll Parts - ST. PETE - 2008
7. Fire & Ice - Slow Motion Riot - ORLANDO - 1991
8. Unnamed Gentlemen - Mumpsy - ORLANDO - 2009
9. I'm Moving On - Evil - MIAMI - 1966
10. Most Brutal Criminal - Discount - VERO BEACH - 1999
11. Bad Eloise - The Wind - MIAMI - 1981
12. A Woman Like You - The Holden Boys - ORLANDO - 2008
13. Screamin' & Shoutin' - Fabulettes - MIAMI - 1966
14. Red Light Means Go - Pohgoh - TAMPA - 1995
15. Summertime Blues - Outsiders - TAMPA - 1965
Background: Haunted Castle Party - Kingsmen