001-Welcome to the Podcast

MAY 29, 2009-1 MIN
the long way home podcast

001-Welcome to the Podcast

MAY 29, 2009-1 MIN


<a href="http://www.prodigalpaul.com/podcast/001-Welcome%20to%20the%20Podcast.mp3">This</a> is the first official episode of the podcast. In it I answer three fundamental questions surrounding this podcast:<div><br /></div><div>1. Who am I?</div><div>2. Why am I doing a podcast?</div><div>3. What will the format of this podcast be?</div><div><br /></div><div>It's very, very rough. My presentation is almost laughable. I'm so nervous, but nevertheless, its a good exercise and I look forward to the podcast growing as I mature in my style and presentation. Thanks for sticking with me while I do.</div>