002-This is strange... [first blog post ever] | 12/06/04
JUN 9, 2009-1 MIN
002-This is strange... [first blog post ever] | 12/06/04
JUN 9, 2009-1 MIN
<a href="http://www.prodigalpaul.com/podcast/002-This%20is%20strange-12_06_04.mp3">This</a> is the back ground, a reading, and discussion of the first blog post I ever wrote, entitled "this is strange . . ." posted on December 06, 2004. Please let me know what you think. Also, my apologies for the intro and outro music sounding so poor. For the sake of file size, I lowered the quality of the recording, which caused the extreme highs and lows of the audio to get distorted. Let me know if it's too distracting.<div><br /></div><div><a href="http://paulburkhart.wordpress.com/2004/12/06/this-is-strange/">Click here for a direct link to the article.</a></div><div><br /></div><div>For the blog, go to <a href="http://www.ProdigalPaul.com/blog">ProdigalPaul.com/blog</a></div>