<description>&lt;p&gt;Well you can't end on episode 13 can you? This isn't so much an episode, more a review of how this book came to be written and some background behind the characters. Don't forget to check out the next book in the series The Sphere of Travel (TSOT2) also available from Podiobooks.com&lt;/p&gt;</description>

The Sphere Of Time

Steve Simons

Episode 14 - Afterthoughts

JUN 1, 20087 MIN
The Sphere Of Time

Episode 14 - Afterthoughts

JUN 1, 20087 MIN


Well you can't end on episode 13 can you? This isn't so much an episode, more a review of how this book came to be written and some background behind the characters. Don't forget to check out the next book in the series The Sphere of Travel (TSOT2) also available from Podiobooks.com