josh lantos
Recent Episodes
FEB 28, 2013
Lancast 9: Family Shower
In which we remember the end of the world, lots of shit talk, even more shower talk, old people, ...
53 MIN
FEB 24, 2013
Lancast 8 (the long lost episode): Talk Quieter Spencer!
Where we discuss summer vacations, museums, penny pinching relatives, digging up dead hookers, fl...
JUN 26, 2010
Lancast 7: Tuna fish perfume
Where Barack obama antichrist, farting, tuna fish perfume is invented, and midgets. (Song Intro:...
51 MIN
JUL 14, 2009
Lancast 6: He's Got His Feet on the Table!
Where someone finds something interesting on a bike ride, boring church camp, getting drunk for t...
76 MIN
JUL 8, 2009
Lancast 5: Death By Port-A-Potty
Where metal is discussed at a great length, death by port-a-potty, and defensive puking. (Song In...
55 MIN
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