Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Friday, 15 Shaban, 1432 (July 15, 2011)
Even if you live inside Ka’ba it’s still not going to work, if you don’t fix yourself.
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Saturday RabiulAwal 2, 1432 (February 5, 2011)
After Fajr prayer, a murid asked Sheykh Abdul Kerim Efendi about the story of Hazrat Aziz Mahmud Hudai (KS). Sheykh Abdul Kerim talked about how this Saint went from being a prominent judge in the Ottoman Empire to becoming a humble murid of Sheykh Uftade Hazretleri. Sheykh Abdul Kerim spoke about the severe tests that Hz. Aziz Mahmud Hudai went through and how he ultimately became the Sheykh of the Ottoman Sultans.
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