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How 'Bout Dem Apples?
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OCT 7, 2009
Week 4 Recap
This week we give a rundown of the week that was in the NFL! Some topics include solid rants on t...
64 MIN
OCT 4, 2009
Week 4 Picks show
In this weeks picks episode, we break down crucial injuries and make picks for the upcoming week ...
64 MIN
OCT 2, 2009
Week 4 Power rankings
Neil and i continue our discussion about the state of the NFL, giving each of our personal power ...
14 MIN
OCT 2, 2009
State of the NFL week 4
Neil and I discuss our State of the NFL as of week 3. We go down each division and make predictio...
67 MIN
SEP 30, 2009
Episode 4 (Week 3 Recap)
In this weeks NFL recap, we talk about the state of NFL teams as of week 4. And Kordell Stewart. ...
57 MIN
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