Esther 8:13-17
Celebrations help us live in the moment of thankfulness.
Finally, the word got out to the Jews and there was celebration! Because of Esther, the king had sent a message and her people were safe! Things were different now. Mordecai came out of the king’s presence with new clothes, looking like a new person. The Jews around the kingdom celebrated. People even became Jews out of fear, seeking protection under the king’s new law.
As Christians, when we meet the King, things change! For such a big occasion, we get dressed up with new clothes. We put on compassion, faithfulness, righteousness, and love; we are clothed with Christ.
We celebrate! What would it look like for celebration of the gospel to spring up wherever we are? Even in times when we struggle, the freedom of Christ liberates us to the place of faithful joy. This new look of joy seen in us just might inspire people to want to know the Lord, not from fear, but out of the love they know through the joy we show.
Author: Austin Troyer
The post Clothed In Christ first appeared on Reflecting God - Embrace Holy Living.