Job 13:13-22
A good doctor gives us hard truths that we need to hear. However, there is great frustration with a physician who won’t listen, who only gives us textbook answers. Job just wanted to be heard, and his friends were not good physicians (15:4). Unlike Job’s friends, it is best to be present for the hurting with more care than answers.
Job demanded to take God to court to account for what had happened. If he had sinned, the punishment seemed to Job to be cruel and unusual. If not, then why the suffering?
God can handle such frustration and questioning. God, our great physician, listens to our pain and leads us in the best way forward.
We should hear Job’s outcry alongside the gospel. Christ has shown us that God suffers with us and has compassion on us. It is God who can meet the needs of our anxious longing. Even in the places where it is impossible to understand, God hears our prayer and leads us with comfort and peace through the dark valleys of life.
Author: Austin Troyer
The post The Good Physician first appeared on Reflecting God - Embrace Holy Living.