Wisdom For The Future

NOV 16, 2024-1 MIN
Reflecting God – Embrace Holy Living

Wisdom For The Future

NOV 16, 2024-1 MIN


1 Corinthians 10:6-13

Learning from history helps us to do better in the present. Yet, when parents try to give advice about the future, the response is usually to the tune of, “Yeah, but that will never happen to me. I am going to do it differently. You’ll see.” Then children grow up and find they should have learned from history! Loving parents guide their children in wisdom, even when they repeat mistakes.

In the grand scheme of things, all of us are young in the story of God’s people. Like adolescents, we respond to the examples of temptation in Scripture with, “That won’t happen to me.” Yet, even those who have been walking in righteousness a while must keep diligent. Sin is what keeps us in willful ignorance, never learning from or admitting our mistakes. It keeps us trapped in guilt or longing for the past.

God’s grace is greater than sin! There is no temptation we face that is alien to God’s people. What is more, there is nothing God cannot help us overcome! God has provided every resource needed to be holy and faithful in each circumstance.

Author: Austin Troyer

The post Wisdom For The Future first appeared on Reflecting God - Embrace Holy Living.