Resting in Christ

MAR 9, 2025-1 MIN
Our Daily Bread Podcast | Our Daily Bread

Resting in Christ

MAR 9, 2025-1 MIN


<p>Several years ago, a study analyzed the link between teenage depression and the amount of sleep teens received each night. After reading the study, a young woman commented on the results: &ldquo;I never seem to know when to stop&mdash;I push myself so hard that I end up making myself sick from lack of sleep and stress.&rdquo; Then she commented that she wanted to know what it really meant to manage her time to honor God. What was the difference between busyness and fruitfulness?</p> <p>Being busy is no guarantee for being productive, faithful, or fruitful. Yet, we might think that being busy is what&rsquo;s most important. In Luke 10:41, Jesus gently reminded Martha that she was &ldquo;worried and upset about many things&rdquo; and that her sister Mary&rsquo;s choice of sitting &ldquo;at the Lord&rsquo;s feet&rdquo; (v. 39)&mdash;a posture of discipleship&mdash;was the better choice.</p> <p>In our desire to serve Christ, are we doing too much, thinking that He&rsquo;ll notice us more if we do more? Colossians 3:17 says, &ldquo;Whatever you do,&nbsp;whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus.&rdquo; However, it doesn&rsquo;t say to burn ourselves out in His name. Psalm 46:10 reminds us to &ldquo;be still, and know that I am God.&rdquo;</p> <p>Let&rsquo;s take some time to slow down and spend time with Christ rather than focusing solely on our to-do list. Only then can we we can find true &ldquo;rest for [our] souls&rdquo; (Matthew 11:29).</p>