This is episode 443 of the SSA Podcast and I am so pleased that you have joined us.
The in this week’s show we talk with Jon Hauptman of PHLster Holsters about how he is able to bring innovative new holsters to the market that solve problems that the average concealed carry holder faces and how they can solve those problems with PHLSTER.
Jon is the owner of PHLster Holsters and has a background as an ASCE Certified Mechanic. He also has a degree in fine arts. Jon used his skills as a mechanic and an artist to modify holsters so that they more readily accomplished the task of safely, securely and comfortably concealing his handgun. Those holsters still didn’t quite fit the bill. As Jon explored the holsters that were more capable he found that his next obstacle was the wait time associated with the holsters that were seen as the “best.”
Jon decided that his skills gave him everything he needed to learn how to build a quality holster in less time than it would take to wait for someone else to do it for him.
That was the beginning of PHLster.
In today’s episode we talk about:
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In today’s Exclusive Patron only portion of the podcast we talk about
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Purchase a MagFIX TodayThe MagFIX is an improved magazine base pad and sleeve for the Smith & Wesson M&P Shield. The MagFIX:
You can check out the MagFIX by heading to to learn more or to make a purchase or you can find the MagFIX on Amazon here!
Train with Safety Solutions AcademySafety Solutions Academy is dedicated to educating those that wish to be more prepared to deal with our violent world. Please take a few minutes to check out the courses we offer:
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