This is episode 444 of the SSA Podcast and I am so pleased that you have joined us.
In this special midweek episode of the SSA Podcast we talk with Dr. William Aprill about a difficult and controversial topic, mental health and guns.
Dr. William Aprill is a psychologist in private practice who helps people of all walks of life deal with issues such as depression, PTSD and substance abuse issues. In addition to his private practice William is the owner of Aprill Risk Consulting where he helps to unpack the criminal mind and raise awareness in how it is that the Violent Criminal Actor is different from you and me.
What is the goal of today’s show?Provide a framework for people to understand that mental health issues affect many Americans and engage in a conversation about the stigma that surrounds mental health and some strategies that gun owners can use to help keep themselves and those that they love safe. In addition I want to provide direct resources so that those that struggle with a mental health issue or know someone that does can take action.
In this episode Dr. William Aprill and I discuss:National Institute of Mental Health
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration
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