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Ambitious Entrepreneur – Declutter and systematize your office for maximum productivity
FEB 27, 2012
Ambitious Entrepreneur – Declutter and systematize your office for maximum productivity

Now I want you to be honest – can you currently see your desk? Or is it somewhere underneath a large pile of paperwork that’s growing at a rapid rate? And, are you struggling to keep up with everything that’s going on in your business?
Annemarie Cross is joined by Lori Krolik – a Certified Productive Environment Specialist and Professional Organizer, who is an expert in creating systems so that you and your employees can work smarter and more efficiently.
Lori talks about the essentials tools that are necessary for maximum productivity; the one behavior that will propel you from information overwhelm to getting things done; and how to stop getting distracted throughout your work-day.
She also speaks about:
– The importance of having special ‘places’ to store business information and tasks;
– Why a contact management system is essential if you want to manage all of your contacts effectively; and
– Why having a formalized schedule/calendar system is important to keep you on track and focused so that you can work on business-building activities.
Did you know it can take you up to 25 minutes to get refocused after a distraction? Lori will show you want you need to do to eliminate those annoying interruptions.
So, if you’re struggling with information overwhelm and need to get back on track and focused, this show is a must listen!

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19 MIN
Ambitious Entrepreneur – Copywriting: How to Write Compelling Content That Converts Prospects into Customers
FEB 20, 2012
Ambitious Entrepreneur – Copywriting: How to Write Compelling Content That Converts Prospects into Customers

Does your mind go blank each time you sit down to write your sales page, article or blog post? Have you written your sales copy but just haven’t been able to generate the results you want?

Annemarie Cross is joined by seasoned copywriter Debra Jason from Write Direction. Debra has more than 25 years of copywriting experience and has developed compelling content for web and direct marketing communications that has converted her clients’ prospects into loyal customers.

Debra talks about two things you need to do before you put pen to paper (or hands to keyboard). Not doing these things is often the reason why your copy isn’t connecting with your audience. Listen out to see if you recognise them.

Find out the importance of ‘pushing your target markets’ buttons’ in your copy and how you could fail to grab their attention when you don’t.

Think you know the difference between the features and benefits of your products and services? Most ambitious entrepreneurs think they do – however when looking closely at their copy, what they are talking about is not a benefit at all – but a feature. And, features don’t showcase the outcomes your prospect can expect by working with you.

Make sure you learn the steps that Debra shares to help you pinpoint the benefits of your products and services – the outcomes your client will achieve through investing in you.

Debra also shares her formula/system to help you tempt your prospects as well as the template she uses when gathering testimonials from satisfied clients – very important when building social proof about your credibility and expertise in your field.

Want to be able to craft compelling copy that converts your prospects into loyal customers? The tips and strategies Debra shares on today’s show will show you how.

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-1 MIN
Ambitious Entrepreneur – Speaking Your Way to Success
FEB 13, 2012
Ambitious Entrepreneur – Speaking Your Way to Success

Want to build your reputation as an expert?

Then sharing your message through speaking is a must.

However, if you’re one of those people that fear speaking in public more than you fear death, before you shake your head and refuse to even consider adding speaking to your brand communication strategies – then you’re encouraged to listen to today’s show.

Today Annemarie Cross is joined by Debb Carr – Founder and Director of Voxy Lady Women’s Speaker Bureau.

Debb shares why she believes speaking is a great way to raise your profile, especially if you want to become known as an authority in your field.

By regularly speaking and showing passion for your topic, you’ll not only raise your profile as an expert, you’ll also continue to develop a community of people who are interested in what you have to say. And these people could eventually invest in your product/services.

Deb herself is now a passionate and powerful speaker; however she wasn’t always that way. In fact, when she first started speaking, she too felt nervous and apprehensive, so today she shares some of the tips and techniques she used to calm her nerves.

As the Founder and Director of a speaker’s bureau, Debb also shares what she looks for in a potential speaker looking for representation by her bureau. Implement these tips and strategies and you’re bound to get noticed and hired.

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23 MIN
Ambitious Entrepreneur – Smart Marketing for the Ambitious Entrepreneur
FEB 6, 2012
Ambitious Entrepreneur – Smart Marketing for the Ambitious Entrepreneur

As an ambitious entrepreneur it can often be difficult to come up with ways to market your business better in order to build brand awareness and stand out from your competitors. Right?!
Do the traditional methods of marketing still work? Should we spend our entire marketing budget on social media and internet to get our message in front of our target market? How do we outthink our competition without having to outspend them?

These may be questions you’ve asked when it comes to marketing your business. Especially if you want to make 2012 your best year yet!

Annemarie Cross is joined by Leslie R Wolff – a 45+ year marketing veteran who will answer all these questions along with sharing:

• 4 principles of Smart Marketing;
• How to identify overlooked opportunities; and
• How you can outthink your competition without outspending them.
Find what Leslie believes about basing your entire marketing strategy just on the Internet and social media, and why doing this can hurt your business’s growth. And, about the two things you can do that will dramatically improve your customer service.

Leslie has also generously offered 1 lucky person a free copy of his book – Smart Thinking: Volume 1. Email Leigh at: [email protected] with the correct answer to the following question to win.

Q: What’s the second principle of Smart Marketing?

Leslie is also offering a 50% discount off his book if you order by Feb 19th, by clicking here and using the code: BV43M

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27 MIN
Ambitious Entrepreneur – Powerful Business Introductions
JAN 30, 2012
Ambitious Entrepreneur – Powerful Business Introductions

You’ve just been invited to introduce yourself to a group of business owners.
So what do you say? How do you introduce yourself and your business?
Perhaps, like many other entrepreneurs you state your name, your company name, and your job title – after all that’s what you do. So it makes sense. Right?
Or perhaps your nerves get the better of you and you end up stammering and stuttering through your introduction.

According to today’s guest – neither of those ways will leave a memorable impression and you could be missing out on numerous business opportunities.

Today, Annemarie Cross is joined by Katy Tafoya, founder of Success for Solopreneurs and Katy is an expert when it comes to developing powerful, memorable introductions.

Learn Katy’s 4-step process so that next time someone asks you to attend a networking event, or meet someone for the very first time – you can introduce yourself like a pro!

Listen to Katy as she shares insights on:
– Why it’s so important to be able to tell people what you do in a clear and concise way
– What to do if you do more than one thing in your business so that you don’t end up sounding like a walking infomercial, and
– What to do if you struggle to keep your introduction simple and therefore end up confusing everyone, and so much more

Katy’s strategies are simple, however don’t let the simplicity of these steps fool you. They are powerful. And, if you follow these steps when you attend your next networking event, you’re bound to be impressive and memorable.
So, what is it that you do? Listen to Katy’s tips and you’ll be able to answer that confidently, concisely and powerfully!

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19 MIN