Jason Pyles & Craig Tovey & Grant Adams
In Episode 16, Grant and Jason interview Tim Bruns of Churchill. We talk about “The Emotional Side of Songwriting,” among other things. Listeners should check out Churchill’s YouTube Channel. ***And for those listeners who are in the Denver area, Churchill will be performing at the Bluebird Theater on September 29 and September 30, 2012. Churchill on Facebook
The listeners are always free to contact us at SongwritingPodcast@gmail.com or call and leave us a voice mail at (801) 382-8789.
The Songwriting Podcast is a bi-weekly music podcast where three hosts revel in the technical and creative aspects of the craft of songwriting, with the help of guest songwriters or some other music industry professionals.
Jason Launches a New Movie Podcast on October 1, 2012:
For those who like movies, Jason is launching Movie Podcast Weekly on Monday, October 1. This will be an hour-long, audio podcast that’s released every single week. We’ll be reviewing newly released films that are just barely brand new in theaters. Please give us a listen on October 1.
And if you’re a TV person who digs J.J. Abrams… there’s a new television series on NBC called “Revolution.” Jason and his wife Natalie have a new podcast about this new show. We’d love it if you checked out Podcasting Revolution, as well.
Your hosts of The Songwriting Podcast are Craig Tovey, Grant Adams and Jason Pyles.
We’d like to thank Tim Bruns of Churchill for appearing on The Songwriting Podcast. We also wish to thank The Dave Eaton Element for the use of its tunes for our theme music, and we’d also like to thank Kara Brewer for her graphic design work.
Our next episode: Watch for Episode 17 to be released on October 15!
Episode 16 of The Songwriting Podcast was recorded on September 17, 2012.