Enormocast 295: Aaron Peterson – Paying His Dues

OCT 28, 202475 MIN
The Enormocast: the climbing podcast

Enormocast 295: Aaron Peterson – Paying His Dues

OCT 28, 202475 MIN


On Episode 295 of the Enormocast, I sit down at a splintery picnic table on a hot morning in Lander, Wyoming with Aaron Peterson. Aaron is a young (ish) climber for whom activism, protest, and speaking his mind goes hand in hand with his motivations as a climber. At a cost to his mental health, … <p class="link-more"><a href="https://enormocast.com/2024/10/enormocast-295-aaron-peterson-paying-his-dues/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "Enormocast 295: Aaron Peterson – Paying His Dues"</span></a></p>