Co-Passion & Contemplation
In this episode, the BoDaddy shares about his co-passion projects in his local community and the struggle to act as a community of faith in our increasingly tribal time. Then they discuss the nature of contemplation versus fascination, sparked by reflections from Tripp's son's school essay and interviews with scholars Kevin Hart and Norman Wirzba. They reflect on the impact of smartphones on our attention, social life, and spiritual well-being, proposing ways to shift from fascination to deeper contemplative living. Along the way, they share humor, personal anecdotes, and a collective plan for conscious technology use during Lent.
You can WATCH the conversation on YouTube
Theology Beer Camp | St. Paul, MN | October 16-18, 2025
3 Days of Craft Nerdiness with 50+ Theologians & God-Pods and 600 new friends.
A Five-Week Online Lenten Class w/ John Dominic Crossan
Join us for a transformative 5-week Lenten journey on "Paul the Pharisee: Faith and Politics in a Divided World."This course examines the Apostle Paul as a Pharisee deeply engaged with the turbulent political and religious landscape of his time.
Through the lens of his letters and historical context, we will explore Paul’s understanding of Jesus’ Life-Vision, his interpretation of the Execution-and-Resurrection, and their implications for nonviolence and faithful resistance against empire. Each week, we will delve into a specific aspect of Paul’s theology and legacy, reflecting on its relevance for our own age of autocracy and political turmoil. . For details and to sign-up for any donation, including 0, head over here.
Hang with 40+ Scholars & Podcasts and 600 people at Theology Beer Camp 2025 (Oct. 16-18) in St. Paul, MN.
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