Social Media Success for Your Security Business

DEC 6, 201717 MIN
Business of Security Podcast

Social Media Success for Your Security Business

DEC 6, 201717 MIN


Social Media success for your business is not overly complicated. Here are a few steps that I recommend you act upon to use social media as a tool for your security business.

One, Social Media success begins with knowing who you are, what you do, and who you do it for. Three simple questions that are probably the toughest to answer for many businesses. Don’t skip answering these questions. They are the basis of your business and answer honestly.

Second, define your business goals, which are often included in a business plan. What is it you want your business to achieve? What value do you bring to your customers and clients? Be as specific as possible. Although “Make Money” is a goal, you must define how you will make that money, what amount of money, and in what time frame.

Suggested reading –Whether EP Provider or Trainer, You Are a Business

Third, develop a social media marketing strategy based on your business goals. What is it that you’re going to share, and to whom? Social media is a very powerful tool for your business when used effectively. Without a strategy that includes the goals and objectives that you want to achieve on social media, you would have no means of measuring success. And success is measured by your return on investment or ROI.

Fourth, establish your business on those social media networks that best meet your social media strategy. It might be LinkedIn and Facebook, or perhaps Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.

Fifth – Know, Like, and Trust. Before your market can trust your services and products, they must know who you are and what you’re all about. You do that by sharing information that is valuable and useful to your market. The information may come in various formats – posts, articles, videos, or images. Once your market has begun to know you, they must like you. Like you for who you are, what you stand for, what your business does and does not, and your associations and affiliations. Your market is sharing your content and purchasing your services and products. The final stage is trust. A trusted market or community that shares and advocates your services and products without question.

Suggested listening – Be Smart When Using Social Media for Your Security Business

Although the steps laid out appear simplistic, this process does not happen overnight. Social media success is a marathon, not a sprint. During this process, you are constantly monitoring statistics and metrics to ensure you are achieving your goals and objectives.

You would be very surprised how many businesses simply get on social media networks to just simply be there. No strategy, goals, or objectives, thinking something magical will happen. Instant customers, clients, and fortune will come if they just copy and paste their services and products everywhere on social media.  Just waiting for the phone calls to ring and the emails to ping.

My hope is that you take your social media efforts seriously and use social media as a powerful marketing tool for your business.

I welcome any feedback or questions you may have. You can contact me at [email protected] or Twitter at @lawrenceasnow.

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