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DDS Exposé – “Whatever Happened to Marcus Welby?”
AUG 27, 2012
DDS Exposé – “Whatever Happened to Marcus Welby?”

In the late 60’s, a new medical drama TV show, Marcus Welby, MD was born, starring Robert Young, as Marcus Welby, who had an unorthodox way of treating patients and James Brolin, as Steven Kiley, his younger and more radical partner. Marcus Welby was old-school. He cared for each patient as if he or she was his own family member and provided a positive patient experience.

In this program Dr Kelly Brown, Founder and Chairman of Custom Dental, dissects his new white paper publication “Whatever Happened to Marcus Welby?” After almost 4 decades in the dental industry, building a very successful solo practice, speaking at dental conventions and guest lecturing at dental schools; Dr Brown has recently observed a very disturbing trend consuming the dental industry. He will share with you what is driving this trend, how this trend is affecting patient care and a simple tip on how to protect you and your family from this industry fallout.

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28 MIN
DDS Exposé – “The 3 Secrets to Appear 10 Years Younger Without Surgery”
AUG 6, 2012
DDS Exposé – “The 3 Secrets to Appear 10 Years Younger Without Surgery”

Alexander the Great in 300 BC, Ponce de León in the 16th Century, and millions of men and women around the world today are still searching for the “Fountain of Youth”. What if you had a magical Aladdin’s lamp and you could make any wish? Would it be to find that fountain?

Dr. Dan Messer discloses three dental secrets that will help you look 10 years younger without going under the knife.

1. Teeth Whitening – We all love the look of gleaming white teeth, right? The reasoning seems to be associated with our deep-seated obsession with physical attractiveness. According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, bleaching is the most requested dental cosmetic procedure. Messer says that teeth whitening is popular because the procedure takes about an hour and results can be seen instantly with shades from 2-10 shades lighter. He says that the best two options are in-house bleaching or bleaching trays.
2. Straightening – According to WebMd, “Adults make up nearly 20% of brace wearers, says Michael B. Rogers, DDS, president of the American Association of Orthodontists. Messer describes three kinds of braces that he offers his patients; regular, rapid, and invisalign.
3. Lengthening – As we age, there is a loss of facial height between the tip of the nose and the tip of our chin. One of the most powerful answers to a more youthful face can be as simple as having longer crowns, lumineers or veneers. By restoring the smile with any of these three methods, you can add millimeters to the face of your teeth, lengthen the teeth, which in turn can restore facial and lip support making you look 10 or 15 years younger.

Join us as we talk to Dr. Dan Messer, owner of Custom Dental of Cushing and author of ” The 3 Secrets to Appear 10 Years Younger Without Surgery” as he equips us with insights on how to regain a more youthful appearance.

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22 MIN
DDS Exposé – “The 3 Things You Better Know Before Replacing A Missing Tooth.”
JUL 16, 2012
DDS Exposé – “The 3 Things You Better Know Before Replacing A Missing Tooth.”

Missing teeth are a common dilemma for many people who have had teeth removed for any reason. Some problems with having a missing tooth may be cosmetic; embarrassment of having a gap in their mouth to physical problems such as difficulty chewing causing digestive problems and shifting of the adjacent teeth, which causes change in the bite, which also can cause TMD or TMJ disorder.
Before you consciously submit to having a tooth taken out, find out your treatment options for replacement. Dr. Fields says “the most common solutions are getting partial dentures, bridges or implants and there are advantages and disadvantages to each of these methods.”

Dr. Fields goes on to say how partial dentures are removable and the most economical of solutions; however, the disadvantages are the unnatural feel and the time it takes to adjust and that some wearers have difficulty chewing and speaking with them.
According to the
American Academy of Implant Dentistry, “15 million people in the U.S. have crown and bridge replacements,” which shows this is a popular approach that many dentists use to filling the gap. An article in WebMD state that the benefits of the bridge are many with the most important attribute being the “distribution of the bite and the prevention of the remaining teeth from drifting out of place.”
Dr. Fields preference for replacing a missing tooth is to use an implant, which is the most expensive solution but is the most secure and has longevity of over 10 years. Currently only 10% of U.S. dentists place implants because of the extensive training involved, but the number is increasing exponentially.
Join us as we talk to Dr. Londel Fields, owner of Custom Dental of Sapulpa and author of “The 3 Things You Better Know Before Replacing A Missing Tooth” as he equips us with insights and options for replacing them.

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27 MIN
DDS Exposé – “Is Removing Wisdom Teeth a Smart Thing To Do?”
JUL 9, 2012
DDS Exposé – “Is Removing Wisdom Teeth a Smart Thing To Do?”

The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons say that nine out of ten people have at least one impacted wisdom tooth. That means that there are millions of impacted wisdom teeth needing to be extracted. The New York Times ran an article that corroborates this figure by saying “It’s hard to get a percentage, but probably 75 to 80 percent of people do not meet the criteria of being able to successfully maintain their wisdom teeth,” said Dr. Louis K. Rafetto of Wilmington, Del., who headed the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons’ task force on wisdom teeth.”
According to Dr. Pitt, he says “wisdom teeth are a dicey situation. The patient may not have any symptoms or signs that wisdom teeth may need to be extracted.” He goes on to say that periodic dental visits can catch problems before they erupt such as overcrowding or impaction. He also states that having them removed when you are younger is easier on the patient and the recovery is quicker than on an older adult, but should be done by an oral surgeon or dentist with extensive training in wisdom tooth removal to avoid compromising recovery.
Join us as we talk to Dr. Grant Pitt, owner of Custom Dental of Edmond and author of ” Is Removing Wisdom Teeth a Smart Thing To Do?” as he equips us with the truth on how a panographic x-ray and exam can catch any potential problems and give you and your dentist options for the next steps to take.

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22 MIN
DDS Exposé – “What You Can’t See Can Be Disastrous: Cracks Gone Wild”
JUN 18, 2012
DDS Exposé – “What You Can’t See Can Be Disastrous: Cracks Gone Wild”

Teeth can fracture or break for many reasons and most of us will not even know it or feel it. Chewing on ice, eating popcorn, or habits of clenching your jaw and grinding your teeth can cause fractures or microfractures.
According to, a microfracture is a “very early fracture lines in teeth due to biting or grinding forces (also called “craze lines”). These “micro-fractures” are not associated with symptoms of discomfort or sensitivity.” Some cracks are large, while some are barely visible to the naked eye. Bi-yearly exams can spot these fractures before further damage occurs. Repairing a broken tooth is important to maintaining its strength and longevity, as well as the integrity of the teeth around it.
Dr. Dewhurst suggests “using veneers or crowns to “armor” the damaged tooth.” He also suggests that wearing a mouthguard at night for teeth grinders and a mouthpiece for those who play sports will assist in preventing cracks or fractures of the tooth or teeth.
Join us as we talk to Dr. James Dewhurst, owner of Custom Dental of Perry and author of “What You Can’t See Can Be Disastrous. Cracks Gone Wild” as he equips us with insights on how to make sure we do not have these micro fractures and what the treatment options are if we do.

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27 MIN