Personal Branding Podcast
Personal Branding Podcast

Personal Branding Podcast

Bernard Kelvin Clive



Join my weekly discussions and interviews on Personal Branding | Personal Development | Publishing | Providing inspiration and teachings on branding, social media and authoring. I'm your host Bernard Kelvin Clive.

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Repackage Your Expertise: Don’t Retire, Re-inspire!
APR 24, 2024
Repackage Your Expertise: Don’t Retire, Re-inspire!
Have you ever noticed that many people who have diligently climbed the corporate ladder for years reach retirement feeling a strange emptiness? They wonder, “What do I do now?” after spending decades engrossed in a job that never truly sparked their passion. The truth is, it doesn’t have to be this way. Financial security and fulfillment aren’t reserved for the post-work years. We can cultivate both throughout our careers by taking a proactive approach and reevaluating our skill sets. Today we will explore how to repurpose your expertise to create a fulfilling and financially secure career path, regardless of your age or current experience. Unearthing Your Passions and Making Them Profitable The first step is to identify what truly ignites your fire. Is there a hobby you’ve always cherished but never considered pursuing professionally? Maybe you have a hidden talent or a cause you’re deeply passionate about. The key is to bridge the gap between your passions and potential income streams. Don’t be discouraged if turning your passion into profit doesn’t happen overnight. Almost any skill can be made marketable with a little creativity. For instance, a love for photography can translate into freelance work, online courses, or even workshops. Here are some ways to identify the financial potential of your passions: ·Research existing business models: Mostly the difficult part, a reason many ignore and do anything easy. Explore how others in your field are monetizing their skills. Are there online platforms where you can offer your services? Could you create and sell instructional materials? ·Network with like-minded individuals: Connect with people who share your interests and see how they’ve turned their passions into professions. ·Consider freelance opportunities: Freelancing allows you to test the waters and see if your passion can translate into a viable income source before taking a full leap. Remember, the key is to be creative and persistent. There’s almost always a way to bridge the gap between your passions and financial gain. Lifelong Learning: Staying Relevant in a Changing World The world of work is constantly evolving, and the skillsets that were once in high demand may quickly become obsolete. To stay relevant and marketable, lifelong learning is fundamental. Here are some strategies to continuously upgrade your skillset: ·Online courses: There’s a wealth of knowledge available online, with platforms offering courses on virtually any topic imaginable. Many of these courses are affordable and self-paced, allowing you to learn at your convenience. ·Industry publications and conferences: Stay up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in your field by subscribing to industry publications and attending relevant conferences. ·Mentorship programs: Seek guidance from experienced professionals in your field. A mentor can provide valuable insights and help you navigate the ever-changing job market. Utilizing the Rise of AI and Automation: Friend or Foe? The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation may seem like threats to your expertise. However, they can also be powerful tools. Accept and embrace AI as a way to streamline repetitive tasks and free up your time to focus on higher-level strategic thinking and creative problem-solving. Invest in learning basic AI concepts and how they might be applied to your field. Building Your Brand: Standing Out from the Crowd In today’s digitally saturated world, a strong and authentic online presence is essential for career success. Develop a website or online portfolio showcasing your expertise and experience. Actively participate in industry forums and social media groups to establish yourself as a thought leader and connect with potential clients or collaborators. However, building your brand goes beyond the digital realm. Networking in person remains equally important. Attend industry events, volunteer your skills, and connect with people at your current workplace. Building strong relationships can open doors to new opportunities you might not have otherwise discovered. Repurposing Your Expertise: A Continuous Process The key takeaway is to be proactive. Don’t wait until retirement to figure out what’s next. The secret is in continuously developing your skills, exploring new opportunities, and repurposing your expertise, you can create a fulfilling and financially secure career path that keeps you engaged and passionate throughout your working life. The ever-evolving world of work requires constant adaptation, just like the shift from typewriters to web processing applications. Those who resist change and cling to outdated skill sets are at risk of being left behind. The good news is, regardless of your age or current experience level, there’s always an opportunity to learn, grow, and reinvent yourself. Here are a few strategies to help you construct your impressive career: Celebrate each milestone: Every new skill you acquire or meaningful connection you make in your field is akin to discovering an exceptional, great haven. These achievements, however seemingly minor, propel you closer to your ultimate career goal. Get your support team: Constructing a fort, much like building a career, is more enjoyable and effective with companionship. Surround yourself with individuals—be it family, friends, educators, or online communities—who support your career aspirations and celebrate your successes along the way. Savor the journey: The process of building your career, much like your fort, is integral to the experience. Relish the hurdles you overcome, the knowledge you gain, and the sense of fulfillment that comes as your abilities—and your career—flourish and expand. The Final Takeaway: Don’t let your expertise go to waste after retirement. Use it to create a positive ripple effect, empower others, and leave a lasting legacy that benefits generations to come. Remember, the value of your expertise extends far beyond profit; it can be a powerful tool for positive social change. Ready to Take Action? Consider attending workshops or webinars focused on personal branding and marketing your skillset. These resources can equip you with the tools and strategies necessary to thrive in today’s competitive job market. Remember, a fulfilling and financially secure career path is within your reach. So do take a proactive approach and make learning a lifelong habit, to help you design a work life filled with purpose and passion. A Gift for you […]
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How to Lift Your Personal Brand in 2024
JAN 30, 2024
How to Lift Your Personal Brand in 2024
It’s to take your brand to the next level. Regardless of the current stage of your brand, if you desire to stay top of mind and in business, you will need at least one of these milestones/goals to reach in the coming year. 1. Raise the bar on yourself All is about having a growth mindset to demand yourself to go higher and do better. Let me draw your attention to this simple observation: I know quite a number of brands in my circle that offer the same services and products of high quality and standard, yet they are underpaid by their clients. Why? Well, my survey revealed one major setback: lack of confidence in their expertise. They lack the boldness to price their products and services as they deserve. Let me break it down this way. The Psychology of Pricing with Confidence: Listen, if you don’t place a premium price on yourself, others will treat you like a commodity. Truth be told, you are powerful, gifted, talented, and skilled. Yes, you, you have to believe that. It all begins with self-belief and confidence in one’s abilities. Perhaps, you have settled for crumbs for your brand and business. No! Yours is the gold, gear up and go for it. Until you raise the bar on yourself and work toward becoming a better version of yourself, you will only have the leftovers of those who dare and do mightier things. Building confidence in yourself is building confidence in your brand. If you’ve been doing well, great! It’s time to step up your game, go up the notch. Stretch for a higher and greater opportunity. In the coming weeks, months, and years, lift your game, pursue excellence, and master your craft. 2. Invest in a professional coach One of the secret ingredients to success is spending money on a skilled coach. One common thread throughout successful people’s routines is that they know the benefits of coaching as a tool for personal and professional development. If you want to take your brand to the next level, hiring a coach is a must. Some individuals fail to take this into account since they naively think they can handle all the challenges that come with running a business and building their brand on their own. It’s vital to understand that there are fields where knowledge reigns supreme, and aiming to be a jack-of-all-trades may limit your brand’s potential. The necessity for professional advice becomes more obvious at various points along the path to creating a successful and lucrative brand. To achieve one’s goals, one needs a strategic partner, and that’s exactly what a coach is. By sharing their extensive knowledge and expertise, they will help you avoid common mistakes and face obstacles head-on. Asking for a coach’s assistance is seen by successful people as a sign of strength, not weakness. A coach functions as a catalyst for progress, pushing you beyond your comfort zone and unlocking your entire potential. In a world where average performance is just not enough to stand out, having a coach motivates you towards excellence. They provide tailored assistance that is designed to address your specific goals and obstacles. Whether you are a young entrepreneur or an established business owner looking to expand, a coach delivers the specialized guidance needed to accelerate your brand’s trajectory. The potential return on investment in a coach for your brand is priceless. 3. Build partnership There’s strength in numbers and unity of purpose. In building and growing your brand, forming strong alliances offer you great leverage you can’t have doing things all on your own. There are times you need to partner with other successful and big brands to grow your business. Therefore, I advise you to seek mutually beneficial connections. In partnering, consider what you can offer your partners and vice versa, what they will be bringing to the table. Once all is set, always remember to have a partnership agreement signed before you go on with any task. If possible, seek legal advice. Effective partnerships grow Brands. Make it a major goal to build a partnership in the coming weeks, months, and years. 4. Scale – enlarge your territories Too often many people settle too soon when they attain what they may seem successful in their own eyes. The temptation to settle could be so high when praises come from all corners. Yes, you may be doing well. It is good to celebrate but even greater to make the most of the situation at hand – repeat that which worked and scale your brand. When the season to grow comes don’t rest on your past fruits, there are more lands to conquer. Grow your brand beyond your current comfort zone. You may be doing well considerably in your niche. Sometimes your niche may become your comfort zone when you fail to recognize the season to expand. Take a well prepared and calculated giant step with your brand in the coming weeks, months, and years. The world is your oyster. 5. Work on your feedback As I always say “feedbacks are ways brands can look back”. I know of brands that have failed and have dimmed out because they took lightly the feedbacks of their clients and customers. Perhaps, you’ve lost a fortune over the years because of your indifference, but in moving forward you can do better to restore that which you lost. It’s time to review and evaluate your brand, where you flipped and flopped. The good, bad, and ugly. Every great brand and leader takes reviews and feedback seriously. These are important data to help make better decisions, products, and services, you discard and disregard it at your peril. 6. Develop a working brand guide and strategy Knowing exactly what you want and desire would help you achieve your goals faster. Sometimes, you may have a plan for your brand but if it’s not well documented, you wouldn’t be able to reach your brand goals. One way to make this […]
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