Whole Mother Show – Whole Mother
Whole Mother Show – Whole Mother

Whole Mother Show – Whole Mother

Pat Jones, Debbie Hull



Information on birth, natural parenting and health

Recent Episodes

Jaelin Stickels, CNM, MSN, Julia Taylor and Rebecca Reed – Part 2
FEB 4, 2025
Jaelin Stickels, CNM, MSN, Julia Taylor and Rebecca Reed – Part 2


Part 2 – Continued from last week…

Jaelin Stickels is a Certified Nurse Midwife who is honored to work with families as they experience pregnancy, labor, birth, and the postpartum period. Jaelin followed her passion into midwifery and has been practicing with women and babies since 2010. She will graduate in May with her doctoral degree. She has spent the last 40 blissful years married to her high school sweetheart and “midhusband”. She has three children and one brilliant grand-baby. In addition to her passion for women’s health; she loves quilting & is enamored with her granddaughter. Jaelin is proud to be known as the designated Birth Hog. No one has ever loved birth as much as this girl.

Julia and her husband Bryce live Spring, TX. She is the mother to two boys, a 4 year old and a 4 month old. With her first baby, Julia was told that a c-section was her only option for delivery due to breech presentation and a misdiagnosis of IUGR. With her second baby, she went on to have a transformative home water birth VBAC at nearly 43 weeks. Julia is passionate about physiologic birth. She hopes to inspire women to reclaim their power in birth by preserving the beauty and sanctity of this important rite of passage into motherhood.

Rebecca Reed is originally from Spring, Texas. She is a stay at home mom now but she does have a Bachelor’s in Psychology with a minor in social work. Her boyfriend, Austin and she have one daughter, Ada, who birthed breech at home almost 10 months ago.

Jaelin Stickels, CNM, MSN, Julia Taylor and Rebecca Reed – Part 2

59 MIN
Jaelin Stickels, CNM, MSN, Julia Taylor and Rebecca Reed
JAN 28, 2025
Jaelin Stickels, CNM, MSN, Julia Taylor and Rebecca Reed


Jaelin Stickels is a Certified Nurse Midwife who is honored to work with families as they experience pregnancy, labor, birth, and the postpartum period. Jaelin followed her passion into midwifery and has been practicing with women and babies since 2010. She will graduate in May with her doctoral degree. She has spent the last 40 blissful years married to her high school sweetheart and “midhusband”. She has three children and one brilliant grand-baby. In addition to her passion for women’s health; she loves quilting & is enamored with her granddaughter. Jaelin is proud to be known as the designated Birth Hog. No one has ever loved birth as much as this girl.

Julia and her husband Bryce live Spring, TX. She is the mother to two boys, a 4 year old and a 4 month old. With her first baby, Julia was told that a c-section was her only option for delivery due to breech presentation and a misdiagnosis of IUGR. With her second baby, she went on to have a transformative home water birth VBAC at nearly 43 weeks. Julia is passionate about physiologic birth. She hopes to inspire women to reclaim their power in birth by preserving the beauty and sanctity of this important rite of passage into motherhood.

Rebecca Reed is originally from Spring, Texas. She is a stay at home mom now but she does have a Bachelor’s in Psychology with a minor in social work. Her boyfriend, Austin and she have one daughter, Ada, who birthed breech at home almost 10 months ago.

Jaelin Stickels, CNM, MSN, Julia Taylor and Rebecca Reed

58 MIN
Tracy Wakefield Southwick and Heather M. Goodwin
JAN 23, 2025
Tracy Wakefield Southwick and Heather M. Goodwin


Tracy Wakefield Southwick, MBSR-MP, ND, HHP, CNA, AMP, has been studying and working for nearly 3 decades in the natural health field. She originally set out to be an aerospace engineer, but, as life happens, ended up on a different path. After receiving a diagnosis for an “incurable,” life-altering illness, she was told that she would never live a full and healthy life. Despite her doctor’s prognosis, she was totally healed from the condition with the help of natural therapies. Thus, her passion to learn and share all she could about how the body works and its amazing ability to self-heal when given the proper tools was ignited and she never looked back. After her health turned around in the ‘90s, Tracy opened a natural health store in Fredericksburg, Texas, hosted a popular radio show and served as the Staff Naturopath at Integrative Medical Clinic. During this time, she received her doctorate in Naturopathy from Trinity College of Natural Health and, to this day, continues to consistently further her education by attending seminars and workshops. She also speaks regularly on podcasts, at conferences and in other events, educating professionals about how to enhance their practices. After selling her business in The Texas Hill Country, Tracy returned to her hometown of Houston and, in 2007, opened Heights of Health when her practice had become too busy to handle alone. Currently, Heights of Health has 6 excellent holistic practitioners on staff and continues to be Houston’s premier Naturopathic clinic, supporting the health and well-being of Houstonians and virtual clients in the US and abroad. Additionally, in 2020, Tracy opened Mind Body Spirit Release® Academy, a fully accredited school to train and certify practitioners in her proprietary techniques (The MBSR Method™ and The Holistic Wellness Approach™). To date, she and her staff have trained hundreds of practitioners from around the world. Her passion is to continue contributing to the shift into a new holistic paradigm for health, educating and inspiring her clients and students to take back ownership of their health, from a mind, body and spirit perspective.

Heather Goodwin, MA, HHP

As the director of Heights of Health Holistic Therapy Services, Heather empowers adults and children with proven life-transforming tools and interventions. Heather is also the co-founder of TriVibrance,a one-of-a-kind company that develops a variety of frequency-imprinted products that promote the release of unharmonious energies, while embedding higher vibration ones. Additionally, Heather is the co-creator of a school-based mindfulness program called Present Time Kids and the cutting-edge holistic health program, Wellbeing Simplified. Heather holds a Master’s degree in Education and is a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner. During her 30+ years in the educational, behavioral, therapeutic and holistic health fields, Heather has enjoyed being a requested national speaker and trainer, a radio personality and an expert guest for various TV and News programs. In her spare time Heather loves trail running, yoga, reading and meditating. A native Texan at heart, Heather and her family now reside in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.

Tracy Wakefield Southwick and Heather M. Goodwin

58 MIN
Patty Wipfler
JAN 7, 2025
Patty Wipfler

Patty Wipfler

Patty Wipfler was born, raised and educated in California, and is the mother of two sons. The focus of her work since 1974 has been teaching basic listening and parenting skills to parents and early childhood educators, and supporting parents’ leadership in their families and communities. In 1989, she founded the non-profit parent-led organization that has evolved into Hand in Hand Parenting. She has written booklets, produced videotapes and audiotapes, and has written over 100 articles on the principles and benefits of listening parent-to-parent and parent-to-child. Her book and booklets. Her booklets have been translated into 11 languages, and her book: Listen: Five Simple Tools to Meet Your Everyday Parenting Challenges, written with Tosha Schore, is in print in six languages, Hand in Hand Parenting is currently taught by about 90 active Instructors on six continents, and online for parents from anywhere in the world.

Patty lives in Palo Alto, California. More information about her and the Hand in Hand Parenting approach can be found online at HandinHandParenting.org.

59 MIN
Jackie Griggs, CNM, and Debbie Hull, Doula
JAN 6, 2025
Jackie Griggs, CNM, and Debbie Hull, Doula


Pat hosts Alex and Ben Townsend, their midwife, Jackie Griggs, and doula, Debbie Hull to share the story of when they discovered their little darling was breech and the decisions they made for their birth, including the lovely surprise ending!

Jackie Griggs, CNM, is a Certified Nurse Midwife who has been practicing in the Houston/Beaumont area for the past 35 years. She is a mom of 5 grown sons, 3 born at home with the help of midwives; two grandchildren and a new grand baby just recently. She has helped mainly with home and birth center births, but has worked in the hospital some as well. She is the owner of a birth center in Beaumont, – Birth Center of Beaumont – and also helps with home births in the Houston area. She has been on the Board of Directors of the American Association of Birth Centers, until just recently, and still is a very big advocate for midwifery care at a birth center or home, for the women of this country. She is also focused on training new midwifery students and helping to increase the number of birth centers in Texas and the United States.

Debbie Hull, Doula, and co-host of Whole Mother Show began learning about birth in 1996 after the birth of her first baby and has been serving Houston area families since 1999. She is certified with CAPPA as a new parent educator, labor doula, and childbirth educator, is honored to be on CAPPA faculty for both labor doula and childbirth educator, and is the Senior Program advisor for CAPPA’s labor doula training program. Debbie believes that it is the most precious and sacred of honors to be invited to care for a family during their childbearing season and is very proud to have the opportunity to speak into the work of the next generation of birth professionals. Her work has taken her places she never expected to go, including portraying Jillian in all the Houston productions of Karen Brody’s play, Birth, but only with the fingerprints of her beloved midwife/friend all over her back. They say the birth sounds she made there, on a stage in front of hundreds of people, sounded real. She profoundly hopes so. Debbie designed and developed the curriculum for an innovative, interactive childbirth class and began offering classes that even dads report enjoying! She believes that we learn best when we are laughing, so her childbirth classes and professional training are designed to be enjoyable and memorable. Debbie is most proud to be the mother of two amazing formerly breastfed and home-schooled young adults, the youngest of whom has been on a nursing strike for over 20 years. When she is not working on her feelings about that, Debbie enjoys movies, reading, and game nights, even when she loses.

Jackie Griggs, CNM, and Debbie Hull, Doula

58 MIN