PodcastGITT's Podcast
Hello and welcome to Podcast GITT’s first episode. In our first episode you’ll get to know us and hopefully enjoy the show.
Recent Episodes
MAY 14, 2013
GITT 2.11b
HUGE Talkabel this week. we hope you like it, or at least find it interesting. Thanks again to al...
55 MIN
MAY 14, 2013
GITT 2.11a
Charles is job hunting :-( and Josh is peeing his pants with joy for the upcoming Star Trek movie...
47 MIN
MAY 6, 2013
GITT 2.10
Hello everyone here is the wrap up for 2.10!! Our tenth episode in a row!!! This week JJ may s...
76 MIN
APR 29, 2013
Podcast GITT 2.9
This week the next xbox will be revealed in May... so they say, Marvel owns Daredevil movie right...
67 MIN
APR 22, 2013
Podcast GITT 2.8
This week we talk about the Deadpool game coming out June 25th, sales trends of the video game in...
79 MIN
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