GSL 163: Tails and Tales 3, A Long Neck Spinosaurus

JUL 17, 2021-1 MIN
Games in Schools and Libraries

GSL 163: Tails and Tales 3, A Long Neck Spinosaurus

JUL 17, 2021-1 MIN


<figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > <img data-stretch="false" data-image="" data-image-dimensions="831x936" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" alt="" data-load="false" elementtiming="system-image-block" src="" width="831" height="936" sizes="(max-width: 640px) 100vw, (max-width: 767px) 33.33333333333333vw, 33.33333333333333vw" onload="this.classList.add(&quot;loaded&quot;)" srcset=" 100w, 300w, 500w, 750w, 1000w, 1500w, 2500w" loading="lazy" decoding="async" data-loader="sqs"> <figcaption class="image-caption-wrapper"> <p class="">One of the Georgetown County Library character boards for our summer reading Tales and Tails giveaway. Patrons picked up a different board each week</p> </figcaption> </figure> <p class="">Sorry for the delay on episodes. Donald was out sick for awhile and then busy with summer projects when he returned. We should be returning to our biweekly schedule. <br><br>On Games in Schools and Libraries episode 163 Chris and Donald talk about more tabletop games suitable to the 2021 Tales &amp; Tails summer reading theme. </p> <h1>Games Mentioned</h1><ul data-rte-list="default"><li><p class="">HIVE</p></li><li><p class="">Takenoko</p></li><li><p class="">Coconuts</p></li><li><p class="">Kontour</p></li><li><p class="">Bring your Own Book</p></li><li><p class="">Cartooner and Mangaka</p></li><li><p class="">King of Tokyo / King of New York</p></li><li><p class="">Evolution </p><ul data-rte-list="default"><li><p class="">Evolution Beginnings</p></li><li><p class="">Evolution Climate </p></li><li><p class="">Oceans</p></li></ul></li><li><p class="">Zooloretto and Aquaretto</p></li><li><p class="">Happy Salmon</p></li><li><p class="">Camel Up</p></li><li><p class="">Baren Park</p></li><li><p class="">Fauna and Terra</p></li></ul><p class="">Don’t forget ShushCon is in October. Check back for details as they develop. </p><p class=""><a href=""><em>Games in Schools and Libraries</em></a><em>&nbsp;is produced in association with&nbsp;</em><a href=""><em>Inverse Genius</em></a><em>&nbsp;and the&nbsp;</em><a href=""><em>Georgetown County Library System</em></a><em>.</em><br>Games in Schools and Libraries&nbsp;<a href="">Guild&nbsp;</a>at&nbsp;<a href="">Board Game Geek</a><br>Kathleen's resources&nbsp;<a href=""></a><br>Email us:&nbsp;<a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></p><p class="">The ideas expressed in the podcast are not expressly endorsed by the Georgetown County Library System.&nbsp;</p>