[email protected] (Masood Ahmed, Robin Davies)
Robin Davies speaks with Sir Masood Ahmed, the distinguished international economist whose career spans over 35 years at the forefront of international development.
Up to July 2024, Ahmed served as President of the US-based Center for Global Development for seven years, following influential roles at the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the UK's Department for International Development. Born in Pakistan and educated at the London School of Economics, Masood has been instrumental in shaping global economic policies, particularly in the areas of debt relief, aid effectiveness, and poverty reduction.
In this wide-ranging interview, Masood discusses the evolving landscape of development cooperation and the challenges facing the multilateral system. He addresses the pressing need to reform multilateral development banks, the complexities of climate finance, and the changing nature of official development assistance. Masood particularly emphasises the importance of rethinking how we approach international development funding, arguing for a clearer distinction between solidarity-based aid and spending on global public goods. He also explores the challenges of maintaining traditional development objectives in an era increasingly dominated by geopolitical considerations and competing priorities.
Masood delivered the Mitchell Oration at the 2024 Australasian AID Conference. Watch the full speech.
Devpolicy Talks is the podcast of the Australian National University’s Development Policy Centre. Our producers are Robin Davies, Amita Monterola and Jackie Hanafie. You can read and subscribe to our daily blogs on aid, international development and the Pacific at devpolicy.org, and you can follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter.
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