BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast
BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast

BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast




On the BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast, co-hosts David Greene and Rob Abasolo interview real estate investors and entrepreneurs about successes, failures, and hard-earned lessons. Through in-depth conversations, 1-on-1 listener coaching calls, and news analysis, you’ll get a breakdown of real strategies that work for different niches and experience levels. Tune into the #1 real estate investing podcast every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Recent Episodes

949: Seeing Greene: Is Losing $800/Month in Cash Flow Worth $200K+ Equity?
MAY 7, 2024
949: Seeing Greene: Is Losing $800/Month in Cash Flow Worth $200K+ Equity?
Would you buy a rental property that loses money every month? What if, in a few years, that one property could make you hundreds of thousands of dollars? Would the negative cash flow be worth the massive appreciation upside? Today, we’re answering that exact question from an investor who could be sitting on a wealth-building opportunity but doesn’t know what decision to make. Should he buy the "bleeding" property at a steep discount or give up this needle in the housing market haystack to avoid a cash flow trap? Let’s find out! We’re back on Seeing Greene as David and Rob, your go-to real estate investing experts, answer questions directly from BiggerPockets Real Estate listeners like you! First, an investor has a rare opportunity to buy “Grandma’s house” with over $200K+ in potential equity upside. The problem? It will LOSE $800/month! Next, a new property manager wants to know how to raise rents on a twenty-year tenant. Do you pay capital gains on the profit of your home sale or the entire amount? We’ll show you how to know how much you owe. Then, an investor debates selling his C-class cash-flowing properties in exchange for appreciating assets, and we explain the “sneaky rental” tactic that’ll take you to ten rental properties in no time! Want to ask David a question? If so, submit your question here so David can answer it on the next episode of Seeing Greene. Hop on the BiggerPockets forums and ask other investors their take, or follow David on Instagram to see when he’s going live so you can jump on a live Q&A and get your question answered on the spot!
46 MIN
948: 10 Rentals in 5 Years by Buying in Overlooked Short-Term Rental Markets w/Jarrod Tucker and Yiwei Cheng
MAY 6, 2024
948: 10 Rentals in 5 Years by Buying in Overlooked Short-Term Rental Markets w/Jarrod Tucker and Yiwei Cheng
When you think about short-term rental and Airbnb markets, what comes to mind? Joshua Tree, the Smoky Mountains, maybe Destin? We all know about the famous short-term rental markets, but what about the not-so-famous ones? You know, the unsexy markets where you book an Airbnb for a conference or when you’re going to see extended family? That’s right; we’re talking about everyday American markets like Cincinnati, Ohio. But surprisingly, these markets make some of the best investments for short-term rental investors like Jarrod Tucker and Yiwei Cheng. Jarrod and Yiwei moved to Cincinnati for work shortly after catching the real estate investing bug. They knew they wanted to invest in real estate, but long-term rentals only came with measly cash flow that would never support their passive income goals. So, what’s the next best option? Short-term rentals! Unfortunately, Cincinnati isn’t known as a popular vacation getaway, but it didn’t have to be to support Jarrod and Yiwei’s cash flow dreams! Now, five years after the start of their investing journey, they have ten rentals of their own and manage a couple dozen more for other investors. The question is, how do you make money with short-term rentals in an unsexy market? Jarrod and Yiwei walk through their tips for finding the right properties, keeping occupancy rates high, buying real estate when your DTI (debt-to-income) gets maxed out, and why you MUST separate yourself from the basic short-term rentals to reach your financial goals.
41 MIN
947: 2024 Deals We’re Doing with High Cash Flow and Rock-Bottom Rates (4.75%!)
MAY 3, 2024
947: 2024 Deals We’re Doing with High Cash Flow and Rock-Bottom Rates (4.75%!)
Want a low mortgage rate? We mean a really low rate—like 4.75% in 2024 low. What about half a million in profit on a sneaky development deal? Or, maybe you’d settle for a quick house flip that pockets you $55,000 on a bad day. These aren’t made-up numbers; these are REAL deals that our expert investing panel is doing in today’s hot, hot housing market. And if you know where to find deals and steals like these, you, too, could be taking home huge profits like they are! Thankfully, they’re sharing all their secrets on today’s episode! David and Rob are taking some time off to play pickleball, while Dave Meyer and the entire On the Market podcast panel join us today! In this show, we’re talking about the real estate deals getting done in 2024. Each expert brings in a deal they’ve recently done and showcases how they found it, what they bought it for, how much cash flow or profit they’re going to make, and advice to help YOU repeat these home-run real estate deals. First, Dave will share about a cash-flowing on-market rental property he bought (while abroad!) thanks to his inventor-friendly agent. Kathy Fettke gives tips on getting a low mortgage rate on your next new construction rental and how doing so could massively boost your cash flow. Henry Washington walks through a quick flip that will make him $55,000 on the low end and the ingenious way he found this deal. And finally, James Dainard talks about the almost unbelievably good development deal he’s doing in Seattle that will profit $500,000 (yes, that’s half a million!).
41 MIN
946: How to Supplement Your Income with Real Estate (So You Can Do What You Love) w/Juliet Lalouel
MAY 1, 2024
946: How to Supplement Your Income with Real Estate (So You Can Do What You Love) w/Juliet Lalouel
Why are rock stars turning to real estate side hustles to pay their bills? During the lockdowns, many musicians, gig workers, and creatives saw their income streams dwindle. There were no shows to play, no tours to attend, festivals were canceled, and human-to-human contact was limited as much as possible. As a result, famous musicians began to become real estate agents, mortgage brokers, investors, house hackers, and everything in between to pay their bills. And guess what—it worked! Now, touring is back on, but those whose job is pursuing their passions still need extra income to take care of their bills during slow seasons or to build wealth. That’s where Juliet Lalouel from Heavy Realty comes in. Juliet is a Colorado and Hawaii-based investor and real estate agent who helps the music and creative communities find ways to fast-track their financial freedom to keep doing what they love. But her message doesn’t just apply to musicians. Anyone who loves what they do but wants more financial stability can take these lessons to heart. Today, we’re talking about how anyone from any background can use real estate to supplement their income, pay their bills, and help them build wealth. Juliet shares why you may make a great real estate investor/professional without even knowing it and the beginner investments that ANYONE can try to start building a strong financial fortress, even if you’re a real estate enthusiast by day and a rock star by night.
31 MIN
945: Seeing Greene: Stolen Properties and Why Your Rate Doesn't (Really) Matter
APR 30, 2024
945: Seeing Greene: Stolen Properties and Why Your Rate Doesn't (Really) Matter
There’s a silent threat out there that most real estate investors have no idea about. It’s a threat that could take away all your cash flow, ruin your real estate portfolio, and put you right back to square one after years of work. And even the most seasoned investors aren’t immune to this threat—our own David Greene almost got caught in this trap and had to act quickly to escape. What’s the danger we’re discussing, and how do you ensure YOU don’t lose everything? We’re about to tell you! We’re back on another Seeing Greene as David and Rob take your real estate investing questions and give up-to-date advice on what they’d do in your situation. First, a real estate investor sees his cash flow disappear due to rising operating expenses—should he sell the property or keep a low/no cash-flowing deal? Then, we talk about the silent threat targeting real estate investors—title fraud. An investor wants to know if a low mortgage rate on a subject to deal warrants a higher price, and Rob and David debate whether investing in expensive markets is worth the cost.  Want to ask David a question? If so, submit your question here so David can answer it on the next episode of Seeing Greene. Hop on the BiggerPockets forums and ask other investors their take, or follow David on Instagram to see when he’s going live so you can jump on a live Q&A and get your question answered on the spot! 
35 MIN