It seems like just another episode of using up all of the topics they had planned during the first 10 minutes--

Strange stuff going on in the world
Gay NFL player update
Uproar festival
Katie Couric's weird phone calls
Sagging pants illegal in part of LA

And then they broke out the voicemails...

It was right then that the show took another direction... the clock turned back for a while...

And for a little while, it was Midnight all over again... stay tuned!

Strange Light Up There

Strange Light Up There

Episode 13--It's Almost Midnight...

APR 28, 201355 MIN
Strange Light Up There

Episode 13--It's Almost Midnight...

APR 28, 201355 MIN


It seems like just another episode of using up all of the topics they had planned during the first 10 minutes-- Strange stuff going on in the world Gay NFL player update Uproar festival Katie Couric's weird phone calls Sagging pants illegal in part of LA And then they broke out the voicemails... It was right then that the show took another direction... the clock turned back for a while... And for a little while, it was Midnight all over again... stay tuned!