<description>&lt;p class="ql-align-justify"&gt;Jim Rohn said, "You're the average of the five people you spend the most time with."&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p class="ql-align-justify"&gt;The amount of information we can get from people is astounding, and most of it is pretty useless. If you want to accelerate your learning,&amp;nbsp; you need to surround yourself with the right people. The people who will help you accelerate the ladder of success and not failure. It might seem pretty intense but not impossible. And all you have to do is to get started!&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p class="ql-align-justify"&gt;Geoff Woods was a former medical sales representative. In 2015, he started The Mentee Podcast because he wants to start a business that will deliver a massive impact on society. Later, he joined Gary and Jay in building the company around The One Thing. Now, he joins the podcast to talk about The One Thing. Specifically, how The One Thing can be the simple truth behind extraordinary results.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;h3 class="ql-align-justify"&gt;Take the First Step&lt;/h3&gt;&lt;p class="ql-align-justify"&gt;It's mind-blowing to see someone be able to pull off something amazing and seemingly effortless. But it can be hard to imagine it for yourself because we're so used to "Well, he is a movie star" or "He is a famous actor." But just because you don't see the clear path on how to go from where you are to where you want to be, doesn't mean that you can't take the first step.&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;h3 class="ql-align-justify"&gt;Enjoy the Climb&lt;/h3&gt;&lt;p class="ql-align-justify"&gt;You need to learn to focus less on the destination and more on the journey. You hate it when you're in the middle of it but miss it when it's gone. So, enjoy the climb because that is where the value is. Stop focusing on the destination that you want and start celebrating the journey.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p class="ql-align-justify"&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;h3 class="ql-align-justify"&gt;Time Over Money&lt;/h3&gt;&lt;p class="ql-align-justify"&gt;Which is more valuable, time or money? Time for sure! We're in the business of time and it's our most valuable resource. But most people spend time and do not invest it. We don't hold our time to the same standard we hold our dollars. But anything that we want in our life happens over time. You look at somebody who's built wealth, they built it over time. You look at somebody who's in shape they got there over time, you look at great marriages and relationships, they were developed over time. The key is over time.&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;h3 class="ql-align-justify"&gt;The Domino Effect&lt;/h3&gt;&lt;p class="ql-align-justify"&gt;The path to getting everything you want in life personally and professionally starts by getting one thing at a time. Back in 2009, there was a group out of the Netherlands Wieder Domino productions, they broke the world record for Domino falls, they lined up 4.5 million dominoes. But the most amazing part was that when the leader of that group knocked the first one down, how much effort did that take? It's almost effortless. If you were that leader, you would have just unleashed 94,000 joules of energy. Put that into context, if you were to do 545 consecutive push-ups, that's how much energy you would release. So, think about it, the flick of a finger, that one subtle action could create a massive reaction. Small actions can unleash massive reactions. And if you graph this out, it's that hockey stick growth where it feels like you're moving forward not making much progress and suddenly, boom, it's just exponential. This is the shape of success.&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p class="ql-align-justify"&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;h3 class="ql-align-justify"&gt;The Seven Circles&lt;/h3&gt;&lt;p class="ql-align-justify"&gt;The seven circles are the seven most important areas of your life. And you only need one area to focus on. However, this is hard for people because they feel like they want to focus on all of them. But again, the path to getting everything you want starts by getting one thing at a time. Think big, go small, trust the dominoes will fall, start by picking one circle. It could be a circle that...</description>

Success Road

Joshua Rivers

Figuring Out Your One Thing

AUG 9, 202330 MIN
Success Road

Figuring Out Your One Thing

AUG 9, 202330 MIN


Jim Rohn said, "You're the average of the five people you spend the most time with." 

The amount of information we can get from people is astounding, and most of it is pretty useless. If you want to accelerate your learning,  you need to surround yourself with the right people. The people who will help you accelerate the ladder of success and not failure. It might seem pretty intense but not impossible. And all you have to do is to get started!

Geoff Woods was a former medical sales representative. In 2015, he started The Mentee Podcast because he wants to start a business that will deliver a massive impact on society. Later, he joined Gary and Jay in building the company around The One Thing. Now, he joins the podcast to talk about The One Thing. Specifically, how The One Thing can be the simple truth behind extraordinary results.

Take the First Step

It's mind-blowing to see someone be able to pull off something amazing and seemingly effortless. But it can be hard to imagine it for yourself because we're so used to "Well, he is a movie star" or "He is a famous actor." But just because you don't see the clear path on how to go from where you are to where you want to be, doesn't mean that you can't take the first step. 

Enjoy the Climb

You need to learn to focus less on the destination and more on the journey. You hate it when you're in the middle of it but miss it when it's gone. So, enjoy the climb because that is where the value is. Stop focusing on the destination that you want and start celebrating the journey.

Time Over Money

Which is more valuable, time or money? Time for sure! We're in the business of time and it's our most valuable resource. But most people spend time and do not invest it. We don't hold our time to the same standard we hold our dollars. But anything that we want in our life happens over time. You look at somebody who's built wealth, they built it over time. You look at somebody who's in shape they got there over time, you look at great marriages and relationships, they were developed over time. The key is over time. 

The Domino Effect

The path to getting everything you want in life personally and professionally starts by getting one thing at a time. Back in 2009, there was a group out of the Netherlands Wieder Domino productions, they broke the world record for Domino falls, they lined up 4.5 million dominoes. But the most amazing part was that when the leader of that group knocked the first one down, how much effort did that take? It's almost effortless. If you were that leader, you would have just unleashed 94,000 joules of energy. Put that into context, if you were to do 545 consecutive push-ups, that's how much energy you would release. So, think about it, the flick of a finger, that one subtle action could create a massive reaction. Small actions can unleash massive reactions. And if you graph this out, it's that hockey stick growth where it feels like you're moving forward not making much progress and suddenly, boom, it's just exponential. This is the shape of success. 

The Seven Circles

The seven circles are the seven most important areas of your life. And you only need one area to focus on. However, this is hard for people because they feel like they want to focus on all of them. But again, the path to getting everything you want starts by getting one thing at a time. Think big, go small, trust the dominoes will fall, start by picking one circle. It could be a circle that you are struggling with or it could be a circle that you are crushing. Then ask the question, what's the one thing I can do for my [circle] such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary?

A Wall of I DON'T KNOW

Most people who ask that question, “What is my ONE THING?” then hit a wall called "I don't know". If you ever think "I don't know", that's just where your mind currently stopped searching. Give yourself permission to keep searching. Sometimes, you'll come up with an answer.and recognize that that answer is probably not the one thing. Then, it's probably still too big. So, you ask the question again. Keep asking the question until you arrive at something that is so small, that effortlessly it will fall. It will almost feel like it's cheating. When you answer, you'll go, "Oh, I can't do that". And that's when you know it's the Lead Domino.

Links/Resources/Tools section:

Tips or Quotes: 

  • In the words of motivational speaker Jim Rohn: “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.
  • Just because you don't see the clear path on how to go from where you are to where you want to be. doesn't mean that you can't take the first step.
  • I focus less on the destination and more on the journey.
  • Enjoy the climb. That's where the value is: stop focusing on the destination that you want and start celebrating the journey. It's a lot more enjoyable.
  • We don't hold our time to the same standard we hold our dollars.
  • Anything that we want in our life happens over time.
  • The problem is people are not good at thinking big but going small, and trusting the dominoes will fall.