010 – Your Questions Answered Part 2 By Chris Michalowski, USPTA Elite Tennis Professional

JUN 4, 201461 MIN
Realtennis Network With Chris Michalowski, USPTA

010 – Your Questions Answered Part 2 By Chris Michalowski, USPTA Elite Tennis Professional

JUN 4, 201461 MIN


In today’s episode: Question and Answer Part 2, I answer more questions from the survey results.  If you have subscribed to the Realtennis Network, you were given the opportunity to take a short survey so i could get to know you a bit better and find out the exact content that you are looking for.  This is what I will focus on when creating new content for the Realtennis Network Podcast, Video Instruction or Quick Tips.

You can go to Part 1 by CLICKING HERE

Below, you will find the questions that have been asked and the marked time that the question occurs.  This way you can go straight  to the questions that you would like to hear and skip the ones you prefer not to listen to.

For each question I added a one or two word answer, but give much more detail in the podcast.

For some of the questions I have added links to videos and even made some video of my own to go along with the questions.  I have also emailed a few of you with more detailed answers and accompanying video or other resources to try to make thing s clearer for you so that you can give some of these a try.

So let’s get the questions going on Part 2 and please let me know how things work out for you by commenting at the bottom of the post!

Question 13 – 
Alex From Milford New Hampshire
I think tracking the ball and leverage points on all the shots
Tracking the ball is extremely important if you want to have close to the same swing patters on different shots.
It allows you to “Receive” the ball properly
Go to: 4:23

Question 14- Stu-Man From Fairfax, Virginia
What is your most embarrassing moment on court?
You will have to listen to this one………
Go to: 23:01
Question 15- 
Phil From St. Petersburg, Florida
Just improve my forehand and doubles strategy
Balance, Balance, Balance, shorter but more acceleration, Bigger Hitting Zones

These are the same videos that were inPart 1

Hitting Zones: CLICK HERE

Andy Fitzell Interview: CLICK HERE

Please don’t judge me by this videos  🙂 Old and done a long time ago, but should get the point across

Definition of balance using Analogies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5ZncmTS0kI

Pros: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5wCSda5O_E

The Strategy Book – http://www.strategybooklet.com

 Go to: 25:14

Question 16- 
Steve From Hillsborough
Is it okay to teach my son to take the racket back low on the backhand instead of looping the backhand? I like the old school way because it helps my son get into the “slot” better?
It  depends on his age, he will lose some racquet head speed, but there are definitely ways that he can make that up by catching the ball on the rise or sooner ( the ball hasn’t lost much pace yet), by using the ground more or taking his racquet back with an abbreviated motion.  I like the Nike “swoosh” example because you can still take it “Up” and drop it into the slot with a short swing and good acceleration.

Here is venus with a short backswing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4csCHhuZ-8

Go to: 33:40

Question 17- 
Garry From Minneapolis, MN
Do you have any tips are helpful drills that myself and my partner can do together to work on getting him/her to move forward
Usually players do not like to come to the net because of transition shots.  They are unpredictable and can be high, low, left right, loop you, you name it. I have made a video for you of 4 drills that I like to use and encourage players to move in.

I have also put in some chapters so you can skip to the next drill quickly.

Click Here to see the drills –  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J2GSHTk_ts

Go to: 38:58


Question 18- 
Bill From Dayton, Ohio
What is the best way to teach young players or beginners about the correct serve motion?
Progress from stage to stage, like a conductor, keeping the motion abbreviated.  Check out the links below

My 6-year old here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adpmFGvJvks&feature=player_embedded#at=60

More drills here: http://www.grandtraversetennis.com/pages/index.cfm?siteid=13451

Video I made to go through the progressions here –   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8tNxH3aiDY

Go to: 49:50

What questions do you have?  You can Opt-In and take the quick survey by CLICKING HERE.

I hope to hear from you!

Coach Mick, USPTA

Serving Progression Guide Ebook Cover

To get the FREE 10-Step Serving Progression Guide CLICK HERE. The Guide includes:

  • Simple details for beginners
  • Advanced details for high level players
  • Side-By-Side Pro Illustrations
  • Accompanying Video of Pros using the same progressions

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