To learn more about this topic, start your googling with these keywords: 


Mycorrizhae: a fungus that grows in association with the roots of a plant in a symbiotic or mildly pathogenic relationship. 

Mycoheterotroph: A plant that is completely reliant on fungus for all of its nutrition. 

Sexual deception: A trick used by numerous orchid species of looking and/or smelling like female insects in order to draw male insects to their flowers (for pollination)

Food deception: Rather than offering pollinators real food rewards (such as nectar or pollen), some orchids merely mimic the looks and smells of other, nearby flowers that offer such rewards. 

Pollinia: In most flowering plants, pollen is a powdery substance made up of tons of individual pollen grains. But orchids pack their grains into a couple of sticky sacks (pollinia) instead.

Epiphyte: A plant that grows harmlessly upon another plant. Lots of tropical orchids are epiphytes

Lithophyte: A plant that grows on rocks 

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Minute Earth

Orchids: The Masters Of Lying, Cheating & Stealing

JAN 6, 20254 MIN

Orchids: The Masters Of Lying, Cheating & Stealing

JAN 6, 20254 MIN


To learn more about this topic, start your googling with these keywords: 

  • Mycelium
  • Mycorrizhae: a fungus that grows in association with the roots of a plant in a symbiotic or mildly pathogenic relationship.
  • Mycoheterotroph: A plant that is completely reliant on fungus for all of its nutrition.
  • Sexual deception: A trick used by numerous orchid species of looking and/or smelling like female insects in order to draw male insects to their flowers (for pollination)
  • Food deception: Rather than offering pollinators real food rewards (such as nectar or pollen), some orchids merely mimic the looks and smells of other, nearby flowers that offer such rewards.
  • Pollinia: In most flowering plants, pollen is a powdery substance made up of tons of individual pollen grains. But orchids pack their grains into a couple of sticky sacks (pollinia) instead.
  • Epiphyte: A plant that grows harmlessly upon another plant. Lots of tropical orchids are epiphytes
  • Lithophyte: A plant that grows on rocks

MinuteEarth is produced by Neptune Studios LLC

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