How Long Does it Take to Learn Tai Chi? Episode 16

SEP 28, 201411 MIN
Talking Tai Chi with the Teapotmonk

How Long Does it Take to Learn Tai Chi? Episode 16

SEP 28, 201411 MIN


How long does it take to learn the form? Why are there different length forms and what does the elusive notion of time tell us about supermarket shopping, radioactive apples and the legacy of Steve Jobs? Sometimes, when I'm in the supermarket, pondering the short shelf life of vegetables, wondering what they may have Been sprayed to make them glow from such a distance - someone will come up to me and say: Hey Teapotmonk, Id like to learn Tai Chi, but ive heard that it takes forever and a day to learn. Tell me, they say, How long does the Form take to learn? And Is it true that you remain a beginner for the first twenty years of your practice ? So I usually push my trolley to one side, return the radioactively bright red apples back into their lead containers and nonchalantly throw the question back.... Iisten to the podcast...