In this episode, join our hosts as they discuss the documentary"Grizzly Man", directed by Werner Herzog, which follows the life and tragic death of Timothy Treadwell, an environmentalist who spent 13 summers living among grizzly bears in Alaska. Treadwell's passion for wildlife led him to immerse himself in the Alaskan wilderness, documenting his experiences on camera. However, in 2003, he and his girlfriend, Amie Huguenard, were killed and partially eaten by a bear.

Amazing Pop Culture Podcast

Amazing Pop Culture

Grizzly Man Review

MAY 19, 202448 MIN
Amazing Pop Culture Podcast

Grizzly Man Review

MAY 19, 202448 MIN


In this episode, join our hosts as they discuss the documentary"Grizzly Man", directed by Werner Herzog, which follows the life and tragic death of Timothy Treadwell, an environmentalist who spent 13 summers living among grizzly bears in Alaska. Treadwell's passion for wildlife led him to immerse himself in the Alaskan wilderness, documenting his experiences on camera. However, in 2003, he and his girlfriend, Amie Huguenard, were killed and partially eaten by a bear.