[jpshare] As a goal oriented, outcomes driven person, it’s sometimes […]

The Megan Dredge Podcast – Megan Dredge

The Megan Dredge Podcast – Megan Dredge

#35: Why You Should Give Yourself A Break [Podcast]

SEP 13, 20149 MIN
The Megan Dredge Podcast – Megan Dredge

#35: Why You Should Give Yourself A Break [Podcast]

SEP 13, 20149 MIN


[jpshare] As a goal oriented, outcomes driven person, it’s sometimes hard for me to stop and rest. Yet this is exactly what we all need to do sometimes. You’ve probably heard it before, I know I have, but it is crucial to give your mind and body planned and regular rests. I know the importance [...]