Meet Ray Christian.
Some people call him a storyteller, historian, father. Shoot, if you’ve got the time, he could fill you in on everything he’s been called. But first and foremost, he’s a Black veteran from the rural South who finds himself floating between life in academia, public speaking, storytelling, parenting, and tending to the goats in his backyard.
And he’s got stories. Really good ones. And stories that make you think a little differently about the world.
In each episode of What’s Ray Saying, Ray shares his love of cultural history, personal narrative, and social justice.
Think of him as your favorite uncle—a voice you can trust, filled with wise talk and scars and scratches, who makes you feel comfortable enough to listen to things that aren’t always that easy to hear.
And don’t worry, you’ll meet the goats too.
For more on the show, visit and subscribe wherever you get your stories.