BV Podcast #0216

FEB 22, 2013-1 MIN
Bloodthirsty Vegetarians

BV Podcast #0216

FEB 22, 2013-1 MIN


<a href="">Listen Up!</a> <br/> Welcome to show number <a href="">216</a>, which is the Atomic Number of Bloodyvegium.<div><br /></div><div><ul><li>Hiya</li><li>Paul talks about getting his computer in shape to do some DJ'ing and music production</li><li>Rich has some plans for the analog studio</li><li>Rich wants to know how anyone could mistake Beyonce for a genius</li><li>Tune 1 <a href="">Gigue by J.S. Bach (BWV 997) as performed by Gonzalo Molano</a></li><li><a href="">Giant Alien Space Rock Attacks Russia!</a></li><li><a href="">Tune 2: Hypocrisy by Rattlebasket</a></li><li>Paul and his family watch more Dr. Who, and the various references to other shows and movies</li><li>C U!</li></ul><br /></div><div><font style="font-size: 0.8em;">Some of <a href="">these sounds</a> were used in the making of this podcast.</font></div>