JUL 23, 2012-1 MIN
Podcast Bumper Music

JUL 23, 2012-1 MIN


No music today, just the source code. Trying to set up a cloud instance and need to put the source somewhere to wget it. <p><a href="http://ripnread.com/listen/samples.pas.txt">Samples the Csound preprocessor</a> <p><a href="http://ripnread.com/listen/drum12.mac.txt">Input to the preprocessor</a> <p><a href="http://ripnread.com/listen/samples.zip">All the other files needed in a zip file.</a> <p><a href="http://ripnread.com/listen/alcorcon.zip">Impulse Response file.</a> <p><a href="http://ripnread.com/listen/drum12-t15.mp3">Result of the first Linux process using Amazon Web Services.</a>