Armor Goes Clank 028 May 3, 2021 (Editions and Online Play with Quinn Murphy) (1:00:06)
Quinn Murphy stops by as our special guest to talk about Pathfinder 2nd Edition, new editions of other games, and online gaming.-- Download mp3 (32.6 MB) Show links Quinn Murphy on TwitterPathfinder 2nd EditionThe Same Page ToolOwlbear RodeoVorpal BoardRoll20Thoughtcrime Games AGC's DriveThruRPG Picks for this episode!Quinn: Legendary Kineticists (Legendary Games) Mark: Dune: Adventures in the Imperium (Modiphius) Brian: Hard Wired Island (Weird Age Games) Purchasing through our Affiliate Links help support the show and future AGC Studios projects! Email: Facebook Twitter: @armorgoes