Episode 6 - Subscribing to Podcasts
TTWP Episode 6 - 11/19/05 Shownotes Update: I inadvertently uploaded an episode of the Biddy Cast (Lascivious Biddies) which may contain some language not appropriate for some of my listeners. My apologies to anyone who may have been offended. A corrected episode 6 is now available by clicking the title of this post or clicking here. Today's podcast is all about podcasting and how to get podcasts. In case you are new to this new media form, consider this your introduction to this new world. I'll share some of my favorites with you and share a commentary with some reflective thoughts I had after listening to one of my favorites. So, enjoy the show! Get iTunes version 6 - Audio and Video Podcasts Speaking of great podcasts, here are a few of my favorites. Search for them on iTunes Tech- Geek News Central Podcast, HomeNetworkHelp, Radio Leo, TWIT (from Leo Laporte of TechTV fame), MacCast, One Minute Tip, Diggnation, Typical PC User (another good podcast for new computer users), Teaching - Connected Learning (David Warlick), One Big Head (Jeff Moore), Teach42 (Steve Dembo), EdTech Musician (just to name a few) General/Other- 1954 and Counting (SF Giants), Gold Rush (SF 49ers), Adam Curry: Daily Source Code (Language!), Digital Photography Tips from the Top Floor, Mashup of the Week, Podfinder (highlights new and interesting podcasts), The Bitterest Pill, and various old time radio shows (making a comeback and inspired me to do a class at school of OTR), The Word Nerds, BiddyCast Podcast: Biddycast 9/30/2005 episode: Interview with Amanda (Guitar) about her musical training and influences. I present some reflections on the importance of arts education. Stay tuned for our next podcast with more tips and tricks to make your life easier in the digital age. Feature Music: Betty, Lascivious Biddies Theme Music: Bay Bridge by Sympatico There's a wonderful digital world out there. Go live it!