Time For a Change

DEC 2, 2005-1 MIN
basicmm radio

Time For a Change

DEC 2, 2005-1 MIN


Hey basicmm radio listeners... <br /> <br />Thanks for checking out our podcast, and subscribing to this feed! We're glad to have shared these songs with you this year, and the stories behind them! Fun to relive all that with you. <br /> <br />Due to many contributing factors, we will no longer be releasing new versions of the show after the 3rd Friday in December. (So, including today, two more shows.) We will leave this site up indefinitely, so feel free to check back and listen to any shows you may have missed! <br /> <br />Thanks again for listening! <br />See ya out there! <br /><a href="http://basicmm.com">basicmm.com</a>