Voicecards Are Not Flashcards - iPad/iPod App for Inclusive Classrooms
DEC 5, 2011-1 MIN
Voicecards Are Not Flashcards - iPad/iPod App for Inclusive Classrooms
DEC 5, 2011-1 MIN
<a href="http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/voice-cards-are-not-flashcards/id337227808?mt=8" target="_blank">Voicecards Are Not Flashcards ($0.99, iTunes universal iPad/iPod/iPhone app</a>, Free lite version available) is remarkably different from most other flashcard apps in that users can both create and use flashcards auditorily! Quick and easy to create for students of all ages as well as a searchable online database of pre-made question sets, this app is a MUST for the inclusive, UDL classroom!<br />
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<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/-8ZXEog3Lf4" width="420"></iframe>