LugRadio (high-quality mp3)
LugRadio (high-quality mp3)

LugRadio (high-quality mp3)



The world's premiere Linux and Free Software radio show

Recent Episodes

LugRadio Live and Unleashed 2009
OCT 24, 2009
LugRadio Live and Unleashed 2009
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Chris Procter, and Adam Sweet in the last ever LugRadio show, from LugRadio Live 2009. Featuring all the previous LugRadio presenters, a wall behind the presenters with abusive Twitter commentary, Jono in a raccoon suit, over a year's delay before the release of this episode, sterling work from Tony Whitmore in getting it all done, and: <ul> <li>LugRadio Live: we're not doing it next year!</li> <li>Oracle buy Sun, which bought MySQL: what does this mean for the most popular open-source database?</li> <li>The two LugRadio Live banners, one signed by every attendee of LugRadio Live 2009 and given to MrBen as Community Hero Emeritus, and one signed by the presenters auctioned for ORG and won by Andy Standford-Clark (and see below if you wish it had been you!)</li> <li>What's happened since the very first LugRadio in 2004? A look at the news of yesteryear to see what's changed in the last five years, and why nothing seems to have changed: have we made any progress?</li> <li>What should open source conferences in the UK be like? LRL is over, but should there be other conferences like LRL?</li> <li>Big thanks to people who made LugRadio and all the LugRadio Lives happen; <a href="">Bytemark</a>, <a href="">Microsoft</a>, Mike Evans at MSE Design (grab him for all your graphic design needs!), Intellidata (and specifically Ron Wellsted, who did loads for LugRadio), System76, and Linux Magazine. The furthest travelled to LugRadio Live 2009: from New York!</li> <li> </ul> <p>Andy Stanford-Clark, who won the banner signed by all 7 presenters, has decided to auction it to generate more money for ORG, especially as there are people who weren't able to make LRL2009. Please take a look at his auction and give generously! <a href="">See the eBay auction here</a>!</p> <p>Watch the official video! Available for download in Ogg Theora, WMV, and mp4 formats from <a href=""></a>, and you can watch the video directly at <a href=""></a>!</p>
-1 MIN
I'll state my case
JUL 14, 2008
I'll state my case
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Chris Procter, and Adam Sweet talk about Linux, open source, and all manner of associated things. In this, the last ordinary LugRadio show, we're talking about: <ul> <li>Why don't pundits fuck off? Are we pundits? Why don't we fuck off? Including free bonus Aq vs. Jono arguing, as if you couldn't see that coming (4.52) [<a href="">Discuss in the LugRadio forums</a>] </li> <li><a href="">twitter</a> - the microblogging site. Why do people care? What's good about it? Is it Web 2.0 micro-cack or is it the New World Order? Our thoug (27.33) [<a href="">Discuss in the LugRadio forums</a>] </li> <li>The internet makes access to "public" information hugely easy. This is normally a good thing, but there have been some well-publicised cases where this new lack of secrecy has caused some upset. Our thoughts on responsibility and the nature of public but sensitive data (44.10) [<a href="">Discuss in the LugRadio forums</a>] </li> <li>Your emails, for the last time. Thank you all for the deluge of emails we received wishing that we weren't going to end the show and offering suggestions for how LugRadio could continue -- we'd need a whole other show to read them all out, but we read them all and we're really touched. Also, the nature of contribution to open source, and "best practice management" where good IT is replaced by slavish adherence to existing brands (62.15) </li> <li><a href="">LugRadio Live</a> is this weekend! The last ever chance to hear the LugRadio team's particular brand of lies and commentary. In addition, there are thirty speakers, a great exhibition, parties, your 5-minute talks on stage in the Gong-a-Thong (send us your talks!) and lots more. We'll see you all this weekend! (83.35) </li> </ul>
-1 MIN
More on that later
JUN 30, 2008
More on that later
Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Chris Procter, and Adam Sweet talk about Linux, open source, and all manner of associated things. In this show we're talking about: <ul> <li>Starting out on your own: if you're thinking of setting up your own company working with technology or the web or open source, what do you need to do to make it successful? Is it possible to compete in the market as a one-man show? Is it just too risky? (1.19) <a href="">[How can you make money running your own company? Tell us in the LugRadio forums]</a></li> <li>The State Of the Mozilla: Firefox is the poster child for open source software, but are they forgetting their open-source base and not supporting the free desktop? There have been lots of accusations of this -- is it actually the truth? Secondly, Mozilla's rendering engine, Gecko, seems to be losing the war for being an embedded engine to WebKit. Are people heading away from Mozilla's technology? (20.00) [<a href="">What do you think of the Mozilla project's approach? Tell us in the LugRadio forums</a>]</li> <li>We announce that LugRadio will end at LugRadio Live UK this July, and talk about why the show's going out on a high. Tell us what you think: <a href="">send us email</a> or <a href="">post on the forums</a> (37.15)</li> <li>If you could fix any problem in the open-source world what would it be? Thoughts on usability, modularisation, the web, and shared user accounts (44.15)</li> <li>Your emails -- this week you're talking about McGyver, gun control, power metal, freedom hatred at the FSF, other Linux podcasts that we think that you should be listening to, and <a href="">LugRadio Live UK</a> which is in less than a month! (73.40)</li> </ul>
-1 MIN