Cleft Club Radio - podcast for cleft lip & palate community
Cleft Club Radio - podcast for cleft lip & palate community

Cleft Club Radio - podcast for cleft lip & palate community

Kim Andrews -



First podcast for the cleft lip and palate community. Find out the latest in happenings in your neighborhood and around the world. Send in events, personal stories, comments to be read on the air. And most important, have fun!

Recent Episodes

August 4, 2005 - Ep 3 - Cleft Club Radio - 3 - ICE on cell phone, interview with Kristi, The Kite Runner, Rhinoplasty, and news
AUG 4, 2005
August 4, 2005 - Ep 3 - Cleft Club Radio - 3 - ICE on cell phone, interview with Kristi, The Kite Runner, Rhinoplasty, and news
Cleft Club Radio<br />August 4, 2005<br />Episode #3<br /><br /><a href="">Download it here</a><br /><br />Apology for no show last week, was sick :(<br /><br />ICEing your cell phone<br /> - <a href=",0,6192121.story?track=mostemailedlink">Some warm up to cell phone ICE</a><br /> - Not directly cleft related but handy in case of emergency<br /><br />Interview with my daughter Kristi. Talk about starting first grade and watching Charlie and the Chocalate Factory (a little scary but very funny)<br /><br />Rhinoplasty - what is it?<br /> - CLP Link Directory <a href=";cid=67">link</a><br /> - Personal Experience Database <a href=";f=8">link</a> - add your story!<br /><br />The Kite Runner by Khaled Hossein<br /> - About a friendship of two boys. Amir, son of wealthy father, other is Hassan, son of Amir’s servant, and was born with a cleft lip.<br /> - Takes place from the 1970s to present day in Afganistan.<br /> - Published in 2003, was #1 NYT’s Best Sellers List<br /> - <a href="">Can buy it here</a><br /><br />News<br /><a href="">“1 Hit of Meth Is Too Much in Pregnancy”</a><br />WebMD Medical News<br />Low doses of methamphetamine is found to increase chance of birth defects, as little as one use<br /><br /><a href=";SID=490">“Ailing boy has determined friends in Tier”</a><br />TamilCanadian<br />11 yr old Pirabu from Sri Lanka, survivor of the tsunami, lost his father in the massive storm, and lives with his mother in a refugee camp. Health care workers are trying to get him to have surgery done on his cleft palate. Without it, he is a higher risk to infection and bad nutrition<br /><br />No new pictures this time. Check out <a href="">pictures already added</a> and find out how you can add your own <a href=";id_cat=2&amp;categories=Photo+Gallery">by clicking here!</a><br /><br />By the way, if you use Odeo to subscribe to CCR, you can go to <a href="" >my Odeo Channel</a> (odeo/72319f3138af4f27).<br /><br />Until next time...
-1 MIN
Cleft Club Radio - Episode 2 - new subscription feed, world news, being a parent who was born cleft, Harry Potter, and site updates
JUL 21, 2005
Cleft Club Radio - Episode 2 - new subscription feed, world news, being a parent who was born cleft, Harry Potter, and site updates
Download show <a href="">here</a><br /><br />Welcome to Cleft Club Radio<br />Today is July 21, 2005<br />I’m your host Kim Andrews<br /><br />(theme song)<br /><br />Welcome back to the second episode of CCR. Thanks for the positive comments about the first show!<br /><br />- We now have a link you can use to subscribe with or listen to on the web. The address is <a href=""></a> . Can still download shows there as well as the downloads section at <a href=""></a><br /><br />- Put up shownotes for the first show! <a href="">Click here</a><br /><br />- Definition: Shownotes are an outline of what happens in each episode.<br /><br />- 31 subscribers! Whoa! It was 16 when I started to get the show read on Wednesday and doubles in a few hours. Cool! Welcome to all the new subscribers!<br /><br />- Wrote up a <a href=";id_cat=8&categories=Cleft+Club+Radio">FAQ on CCR</a>. Can be found in the FAQ section.<br /><br />- Got a number of people wanting to subscribe to the mailing lists. Excellent! A few didn’t give reasons to why. Must give reason why you want to join, helps keep out spammers and email harvesting bots that collect emails for spammers.<br /><br />News on the world<br /><br />- From the New Straits Times<br />"99pc success rate in cleft lip, palate operations" <a href="">story link</a><br />director of a cleft clinic Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia reports that they have been successful in treating patients at a young age and also have them go through rehabilitation and therapy.<br /><br />- From<br />Formerly conjoined twins headed home <a href="">story link</a><br />conjoined twins who were also born with a cleft lip and palate from Zimbabwe Africa were flown in to Canada. Delivered at a salvation army hospital, operated on at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto<br />sent home on Wed. Keep beating the odds kids! Best of luck to the family!<br /><br />- Channel 13, WHAM in Rochester NY<br />"Operation Smile Has No Borders" <a href="">story link</a><br />19 year old Mungamba Vunda from the African Congo has an operation done on his lip by Dr. Lawrence Kurtzman through Operation Smile ( .<br />includes a video link<br /><br />- Black Mountain News from Black Mountain, NC<br />“Shriners help local child overcome facial disfigurement” <a href=";story_id=2449&format=html">story link</a><br />story of the Reese family, Noah, 8 who was born with a cleft lip and palate and was operated on by both operation Smile and the Shriner Hospital in Boston<br />father David, also born with a cleft and shares his fears about passing it on.<br /><br />Another interview with my daughter Kristi<br /><br />Commentary - Being a parent who was born cleft and why that didn't bother me<br />Commentary #2 - Harry Potter controversy over the "H" word (harelip) in "Chamber of Secrets" (will link to my article later)<br /><br />New additions to the <a href="">Photo Gallery</a><br />- <a href=";amp;amp;amp;amp;op=modload&name=Gallery&amp;file=index&amp;include=view_album.php">Nursey007's daughter Rachel</a><br /><br />Ending<br /><br />[Remember that I am not a medical professional so anything you hear on Cleft Club Radio is for informational purposes only! Thanks! :)]</span>
-1 MIN
First podcast! Cleft Club Radio - July 15, 2005
JUL 14, 2005
First podcast! Cleft Club Radio - July 15, 2005
Here's the first podcast for Cleft Club Radio!<br /><br /><a href="">Click here to download and listen<br /></a><br />Running Time: 17:50<br /><br />Here's what's talked about:<br /><br />Recorded July 15, 2005<br /><br />- Intro to the show (you can hear my daughter in the background at times)<br /><br />- short intro about who I am<br /><br />- interview with my 6 year old daughter Kristina who wanted to say hello (lol)<br /><br />- this show is just for informational use, not to be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor/cleft team.<br /><br />- I talk about what "cleft", "cleft lip", and "cleft palate" means, and the difference between unilateral and bilateral cleft lips and palates.<br /><br />- description of <a href=""></a>. Archives of the old Cleft Club at Yahoo Clubs, <a href="*/">you can visit here</a>. To see what is looks like now <a href="">visit here</a> (no longer posted to, but you can read the posts)<br /><br />- <a href="">Photo Gallery</a> and <a href=";id_cat=2&amp;categories=Photo+Gallery">how to add your pictures</a><br /><br />- the <a href="">Personal Experience Database</a> and how to have your personal story read on a future show.<br /><br />- how to join the <a href="">mailing lists</a> (main group, teens, adults, parents) of the club.<br /><br />- send in news and events you want to share on the air! Email me at [email protected]<br /><br />The rockin' theme song is "Almost Everything" by Uma Floresta :).<br /><br />Kim
-1 MIN