<p>With much inspiration from <a href="http://blog.zemote.com">Jeff O'Hara</a>, I have figured out a solution for establishing groups and community threads on <a href="http://twitter.com">twitter</a>, a feature that the site has noticeably lacked for quite a while. You can follow the steps below to create your own twitter group on any topic.</p>
<ol><li>Create a "dummy" twitter user that will broadcast the messages that are sent to the group on a single twitter feed.</li>
<li>Email me (alan at everythingdigital dot org), and let me know what the username and password for your "dummy" user are.</li>
<li>I will add your group to the script on my server.</li>
<li>Anyone who is a friend of the "dummy" user can use @username messages to post to the group (for example, with <a href="http://twitter.com/applegroup">applegroup</a>, friends of applegroup would post tweets such as "@applegroup How's everybody liking their iPhones?" and these messages would be added to the group discussion). New @username messages to the group take an average of one minute currently to be posted to the group discussion.</li></ol>