Radioaffliction Classics: 10 Things a Thrift Store Can Do to Help You Survive a Plane Crash!

APR 22, 2020-1 MIN
The Radioaffliction

Radioaffliction Classics: 10 Things a Thrift Store Can Do to Help You Survive a Plane Crash!

APR 22, 2020-1 MIN


<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> <a href="" imageanchor="1" style="clear:right; float:right; margin-left:1em; margin-bottom:1em"><img border="0" height="313" width="320" src=""></a></div> Radioaffliction Classics is back and it's time to check in with The Bummin Cousins, Peter A. Clay and Jim Reid!<br> <br> Click <a href="" target=0>here</a> to listen or right click it to download!<br> <br> In this episode The Bummin Cousins return from a long hiatus!<br> <br> Segments include:<br> Completion of a Bummin Quest to Collect Christmas Albums from Firestone!<br> News Headlines from Thrift Stores<br> Updates on items the Cousins have collected since the last show!<br> Plus Much More!!!<br> <br> Enjoy!<br> <br> Bandwidth provided by <a href="" target=0></a>!<br><br><a href=""><img src="//"></a><br>