<description>&lt;p&gt;This week Jerry Katzman M.D. interviews Eric Bornstein DMD founder , Chief Scientific Officer and Chief Medical Officer of Nomir Medical Technologies Inc, a New York Based medical device company specializing in the development of photobiologic lasers in the new field of medicine called antimicrobial photobiology.  Dr.Bornstein the creator of this new discipline and pioneer in laser technology  holds eight patents [&amp;#8230;]&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The post &lt;a href="https://webtalkradio.net/internet-talk-radio/2015/05/04/healthy-strong-and-active-your-strategy-for-life-holistic-wellness-eric-bornstein-dmd-interview-developer-of-the-noveon-laser-the-newest-advancement-in-lasers-for-the-treatment-of-toenails-an/"&gt;Healthy, Strong, and Active: Your Strategy for Life  &amp;#8211;  Eric Bornstein DMD Interview; developer of the Noveon Laser; The newest advancement in Lasers for the treatment of Fungal Toenails and Resistant bacteria&lt;/a&gt; appeared first on &lt;a href="https://webtalkradio.net"&gt;WebTalkRadio.net&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;

Healthy, Strong, and Active: Your Strategy for Life Archives - WebTalkRadio.net

Healthy, Strong, and Active: Your Strategy for Life Archives - WebTalkRadio.net

Healthy, Strong, and Active: Your Strategy for Life – Eric Bornstein DMD Interview; developer of the Noveon Laser; The newest advancement in Lasers for the treatment of Fungal Toenails and Resistant bacteria

MAY 4, 201558 MIN
Healthy, Strong, and Active: Your Strategy for Life Archives - WebTalkRadio.net

Healthy, Strong, and Active: Your Strategy for Life – Eric Bornstein DMD Interview; developer of the Noveon Laser; The newest advancement in Lasers for the treatment of Fungal Toenails and Resistant bacteria

MAY 4, 201558 MIN


This week Jerry Katzman M.D. interviews Eric Bornstein DMD founder , Chief Scientific Officer and Chief Medical Officer of Nomir Medical Technologies Inc, a New York Based medical device company specializing in the development of photobiologic lasers in the new field of medicine called antimicrobial photobiology.  Dr.Bornstein the creator of this new discipline and pioneer in laser technology  holds eight patents on the use of this new technology laser and most notably the Noveon laser recently approved by the FDA for use in Onchymycosis ( toenail fungal infections) is a re-known expert, national and international lecturer on the development and use of lasers. The Noveon treatment is painless, touchless, plumeless easy to use, requires approx 4 treatments . It also  eliminates the need for oral medications which are expensive  and  have unfortunate side effects such as cross reactivity with other drugs, abnormal liver function tests, gastritis, dermatitis, rash and headache, just to name a few if you are susceptible. In addition the interview touches upon additional uses of the laser including its use to eradicate MRSA, and other resistant strains of bacteria which have been crippling and disabling patients within and outside of our hospitals. If you have toe nails that are infected,  suffer with black, embarrassingly odorous, cosmetically deformed and painful toe nails or know someone that does, you do not want to miss this interview.

The post Healthy, Strong, and Active: Your Strategy for Life – Eric Bornstein DMD Interview; developer of the Noveon Laser; The newest advancement in Lasers for the treatment of Fungal Toenails and Resistant bacteria appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.