<br>This warm-you-up-in-the-chill-of-December edition of the Heart of the Night Show includes an international cast of terrific bands and performers. We feature music from David Ullman (Ohio), Catapult (Canada), Serial Obsession (New York), Overload Romance (Indonesia), and Plunkett (Italy). The show starts out with a young band from the UK I really dig. Tom Stephens and the Retreat are certainly ones to watch out for in the coming years! Visit the IndieHeart site for the full playlist with links to more music by the artists available at http://indieheart.com/podcasts. One click subscription in iTunes. <a href="https://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZFinance.woa/wa/subscribePodcast?id=79914334" target="_blank"><img src="http://indieheart.com/images/itunesadd.gif" width="70" height="16" border="0" ></a><BR>