<description>A few notes for those of you taking this course fully online in the Fall of 2005. &lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;1) Class announcements will be made to this blog.&lt;br /&gt;2) Subscribe to the blog by clicking on the Subscribe with Bloglines button at the top of the blog.&lt;br /&gt;3) Quizzes and tests are in WebCT.  For now all students must login as guest to http://webct.drexel.edu.  If you don't have the password email me.  Do not go through one.drexel.edu until I let you know that it is ready.&lt;br /&gt;4) The first test will be around week 5.  That will show up in WebCT when it is set up through one.drexel.edu</description>


[email protected] (Jean-Claude Bradley)

Welcome Fall 05 class

SEP 28, 2005-1 MIN

Welcome Fall 05 class

SEP 28, 2005-1 MIN


A few notes for those of you taking this course fully online in the Fall of 2005. <br /><br />1) Class announcements will be made to this blog.<br />2) Subscribe to the blog by clicking on the Subscribe with Bloglines button at the top of the blog.<br />3) Quizzes and tests are in WebCT. For now all students must login as guest to http://webct.drexel.edu. If you don't have the password email me. Do not go through one.drexel.edu until I let you know that it is ready.<br />4) The first test will be around week 5. That will show up in WebCT when it is set up through one.drexel.edu