URC BF2 Podcast #004

OCT 22, 2005-1 MIN
URC BF2 Podcast

URC BF2 Podcast #004

OCT 22, 2005-1 MIN


URC BF2 Podcast Episode 004;<br />last weekend in review;<br />URC Meeting review (<a href="http://www.urcclan.net/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&amp;t=792">link</a> to forum post);<br />bf2 server update;<br />Podsafe Music- Skeleton by 10 Shot (PSMN <a href="http://music.podshow.com/music/producers/producerLibrary/artistdetails.php?BandHash=a7eb705c941446e91af776898d8eab8a">link</a>) (myspace <a href="http://www.myspace.com/10shot">link</a>);<br />Next week's practice;<br />does anybody care what I say?;<br /><br />Show time: 00:16:19;<br /><br />direct <a href="http://www.sogcsclan.com/urcpodcast/004.mp3">link</a> to show