Round 8: Assassin's Brawl - Princip Vs. Oswald
History Wins. Fatality. In a shocking turn of events, a victor in the fight between factual and fictional is claimed... and still, the show must go on! Following a lengthy absence, Konjectural Kombat returns with an all-new, all-different status quo that is sure to rock the foundations of how historically based fighting podcasts are made! The first casualty? One half of the show's very premise! But in it's place, a third konjecturalist is named - Below The Bible Belt's very own resident ballerina belligerent, James Lewis! But don't believe for a moment that the show's lost it's way, as The Historical Heathen unleashes a worthy challenge upon his newfound audience of two that's sure to be considered one for the ages: In one corner, reigning cyanide failure and luckiest assassin in the history of the world, Gavrilo Princep! In the other, the bane of Jack Ruby's existence and retired defector of the United States, Lee Harvey Oswald! Listen in as Professor Matt reveals their bizarrely parallel rise to infamy, the circumstances surrounding their moments of... triumph?, and perhaps the strangest ensuing battle in the history of the show! Apart, they are Matt, Alex, and James. Together? They are the new KONJECTURAL KOMBAT! You Gotta Download What You Gotta Download