<p>Jesus of Nazareth being interrogated and ultimately condemned by Pontius Pilate is one of the most dramatic moments in the gospel story, and one of the most strangely fascinating moments in human history. Jesus on trial before the Roman governor of Judea establishes a historical context for the crucifixion. Indeed, it creeps into the Creed: “He suffered under Pontius Pilate.” If we enter into the theological depths of this historical moment, we discover that though on the surface Jesus is on trial before a Roman governor, in reality the world was on trial before the King of Kings.</p>

Word of Life Church Podcast

Pastor Brian Zahnd

You Tell Me

NOV 24, 202433 MIN
Word of Life Church Podcast

You Tell Me

NOV 24, 202433 MIN


Jesus of Nazareth being interrogated and ultimately condemned by Pontius Pilate is one of the most dramatic moments in the gospel story, and one of the most strangely fascinating moments in human history. Jesus on trial before the Roman governor of Judea establishes a historical context for the crucifixion. Indeed, it creeps into the Creed: “He suffered under Pontius Pilate.” If we enter into the theological depths of this historical moment, we discover that though on the surface Jesus is on trial before a Roman governor, in reality the world was on trial before the King of Kings.